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Dave's p.o.v.:

"He needs to go to the hospital!" An unfamiliar voice said next to me. My head ached, and my muscles ached even more. I tried to my move my hand but it was asleep. 

"Yes, but-" A woman's voice tried to say but the male one cut her off.

"Look at him! He is beaten up and fucking electrocuted!" I felt the muscle in my left forearm reply, jerking violently for a second, then resting back in place. I started to silently panic from the sharp pain and the sudden movement with my consciousness. "See? He needs a doctor now!"

"I will call the ambulance now..."

"No! The hospital is too far away to wait for an ambulance!" I felt the sheets in the bed shift. Wait, I am in a bed? Am I in the nurse's office? "I will drive him there myself." The voice next to me sounded on the verge of screaming, but it was just a strained murmur. Then I felt sharp pains trickle on my skin as my hair was brushed aside by the wind. I was being picked up I guess. My eyes felt too heavy to lift them. 

My hand slid off of my stomach and dangled in the air. The air felt... so, so cold around it. I bit my tongue to prevent myself from screaming. The cold air stung my hand. "Oh my god, let me get something for that..." The woman's voice whispered. She sounded in shock.

"I'll get it, since you aren't even moving." The male's voice grunted indignantly. I shifted in his arms as he walked over and bent down, struggling to grab something from a drawer while still holding me. He must be really strong, because I am painfully heavy.

He started walking again, the air stinging my hand and arm the faster he went. Then he dug something out of my pocket and I heard the chiming of metal. His hand rotated the object and he stopped walking. "Dave Strider is your name?" He said mostly to himself. My heart sunk, my name is on my keys. He has my car keys. Oh damn, he better not wreck my ride, I swear. 

The car door opened and he laid me down across the two back seats. He opened a bottle and I struggle to lift my eyes open, but I could only lift them a little. I saw dark figure stooping over me, the bright sky shadowing his features. I closed my eyes again, and winced as a cold and stinging ointment was put on my hand and arm. "Damn, you got burned really bad." He mumbled. He put a wet cloth over my forehead and I sighed in relief, appreciating a cold feeling somewhere else other than my hand. Then he closed the door and my arm twitched again, making me wince even more.

He got into the car and started it. I was drifting in and out of consciousness as he started to talk to me. "Don't worry, we are almost there." He would say every once in a while. Then, the last thing I heard was, "You are going to be okay, Dave, you are going to be okay."    


I woke up, the sound of electronic chirping in a steady rhythm next to me. I was able to open my eyes easier now, and I was greeted by the sight of a hospital room. I looked over to my right to see a table with a scalemate plushie on it. I smiled at it and lifted my right arm to pick it up. My hand and arm stung when I lifted it, and it was wrapped up in a bandage. I grabbed the scalemate, not wanted to react to my arm. 

"I didn't know that you know Terezi too." A voice said next to me. Still holding the scalemate, I looked over to see a troll sitting in the visitor seat next to the hospital bed. He was wearing a gray sweater and black jeans, his dark hair poking out in odd places near his small horns. 

I stared at him for a bit, kind of confused. "Who are you." I asked him. My voice was scratchy.

He looked at me and frowned. "I am the one who brought your ass here." He said sharply. "I found you in the janitor's closet. Surely even the most incompetent idiot wouldn't do this to himself, so who did this to you?" 

I was blanking out, trying to regain some memory. "Wha..."  I said in a daze.

"Who. Did. This. To. You?" He repeated himself, sounding even more agitated. 

I then closed my eyes tightly and drew in a breath. It was Eridan, he shocked me, I don't remember being dumped in the janitor's closet though, maybe he did that so no one would find me. But I cant tell this guy that, Eridan would kill me and serve me to the whales. I decided to avoid the question, "What is your name?" I turned my head to look at him.

His dark eyes widened and he moved his shoulder's back, clearing his through. "My name is Karkat. Karkat Vantas, and I am asking for explanations to who did this to you as payback for my help."

"You already helped me enough."

"That isn't the fucking answer I want, Strider." He gripped onto the handle of my hospital bed and was standing now, angry to the core.

"Why would you care, huh?" I said a little louder, keeping my cool. 

He gritted his teeth and his face was now inches from mine. "Because I wanna know who pays for this, damnit!" 

I pushed my eyebrows together and continued to look at him through my shades. "Why did you help me? Why?" He looked shocked by my question. I shut my eyes closed and tensed up. "Why did you go into that closet?! Why would you help me, huh? Why the hell would you go out of your way to carry my fat ass from that closet to here?"

"You aren't fat, idiot-"

"That isn't the point!" I yelled at him. "Why did you help me, Karkat?!"

He stared at me for a while, still looking shocked and angry. Then he said, "Because I was worried. You wouldn't want to see yourself rot in there, would you?" He opened his mouth to say something else, but closed it and swiftly left the room with his hands in his pockets.    

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