Facing Ampora

138 6 16

Karkat's p.o.v.

It was now Monday and I am sitting on a bench outside of the school buidling. School hasn't started yet. The clouds look like cotten balls this morning, their tops licked with the sunset's orange. The far edge is red, and I think of Dave's eyes.

I kicked my feet around, looking at my shoes. Does this mean... That this feeling... Is love? I want Dave to be my matesprit? Does he want to be my matesprit too?

I decide to push away those thoughts and stay content with the fact that he kissed me before he left Sunday morning. He must like me, right?

I started to hear footsteps pass by me when I looked up to see Eridan walk by me. He had his hands in his stripped jean pockets and he had a grin on his face. Blood rushing, I stood up and looked at him.

He turned around and saw me staring at him, and cocked an eyebrow. "Kar, are you alright?"

"Am I alright?" I repeated. I stepped up to him and pointed at him. "The real question is, is Dave alright?!"


I thrusted my finger in his chest, making him stumble back. "Don't fucking 'what' me! Don't touch Dave!"

He came closer to my face. "And wwhy is that?"

"Because he isn't some fucking object you can throw around!" I kept my burning gaze locked to his.

He licked his lips and came closer, grinning with his teeth. "Don't tell me wwhat to and wwhat not to do, lowwblood. I can smell jealousy on you, and I don't like it. Dave is mine."

I growled and pushed his shoulders back. "No he isn't! He isn't something you can just fucking own!"

"Are you trying to start a fight wwith me, Kar?" Eridan asked and grabbed my shoulder tightly. I hissed at the pain. "You are too weak to fight me. Face it."

I raged and punched his stomach, making him gasp. He glared at me and his fist connected with my jaw making me spit out blood.

"Disgusting red." He spat and kicked my stomach. I gasped in pain and yelled slurs at him, snatching the cloth of his shirt and pulling him toward me. I bit his neck as hard as I possibly could and he shrieked.

He grabbed my shoulders and thrusted his knee into my stomach. More of my blood spilled out of my mouth, and my body shook. I didn't stop yelling.

"Stop-" I choked out between hits. "Hurting-" I grunted. "Dave."

"I'll do what I wwant, you peice of shit." He sneered and hit harder.

I threw a weak punch at his ear, making him laugh. His fist hit my ear 5 times harder, shaking my brain. "FUCK YOU!" I yelled and  kicked his groin, making him double over. Funny that his weakness is his bulge.

I kicked his head and watched him fall over on the ground. Lines of purple blood started to trickle down his forehead. I was going to kick again until his hand dug in his pocket and he pulled out his wand. I stepped back, my blood spiked.

"Hit me again, and I will send bolts through your body." He threatened.

I spat on him, flicked him off, and ran away.

I'll get you next time, you peice of shit.

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