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Dave's p.o.v.:

After he left, I waited until a nurse came with a cup and pills. I took the pills and didn't ask what they were for, and then I locked my gaze to hers, my eyelids getting dry again. "How long have I been here?"

"For a day, honey. Once your burns are in a condition for us to let you go, then-"

"Have..." I cut her off. She peered down at me solicitously, her eyes blinking a mile a minute. I bit the inside of my cheek, the words weighing down on me. "Have you... seen my bro? Did he visit me? Tall guy with pretty wacky shades, katana in his belt?"

She shook her head and took out her clipboard, flipping a paper to it's blank backside. "No, I am afraid. But can you give me his number and name and I will call him so he can pick you up when you are ready?" I nodded and told her his information. Once she was done, she picked up the cup and pointed at my bandage. "Your friend who carried you here told us you have been electrocuted. After we checked you over, it is confirmed that you have been. The shock wasn't strong enough to damage your cardiovascular systems and your internal organs severely after running some tests. These pills are going to replenish the nutrients your organs need, and release some of the tension in your muscles from continuing to spasm. A lot of stretching and massaging will help too... how did this happen?"

Oh god, not this question again. "Um... It was a mishap in Sci- no," I cut my sentence short because I know there will be some issues on medical bills, so I came up with a different excuse. "I was- uh... I was playin' around with my friend's fancy electro-ball-thing and it kinda like, broke, and uh, it went skoosh and-" I was elaborating with my hands to add effect. "And I tried to pick it up, cuz I'm an idiot, and it shocked me."

She cocked up an eyebrow and stared at me, then she turned to leave, shaking her head. "The things boys would get into these days, damn." She said under her breath and left the room.

It was silent as I looked out the room's window, seeing nurses and doctors walk by. He didn't come. I mean, I am not that surprised. He has never come to anything. He hasn't showed up to any of my rap battle club performances, I was locked out of the appartment because he was too lazy to unlock it, so I struggled to break in through the back latch for a solid hour. I was riding his bike and broke my elbow, but he didn't even take me to the hospital. He never looks at me even when I am standing right next to him in our apartment. I am just a disappointment to him, why should I be surprised if he doesn't pick me up from the hospital after I got shocked by a bully?

I look over at the visitor's seat to see a piece of paper on it. I stand up next to my bed and slowly bend over to pick it up, then I climb back into the covers and open it. I see Karkat's name written in that confusing Alternian Alphabet we learn in school, and then his trollian handle written underneath. Why does he want to help me so fucking bad? He should have just dropped me off at the nurse and be done with it. I turn the paper around and my eyes widen as I see more writing. 'Strider, I still have your car so if you need to leave, you tell me. I am not letting your ass drive yourself.' I begin to seethe as I put in his contact on my phone.

My phone buzzes and I get a message from my bro. My heart beats fast in worry as I read the text. 'Got a call from the hospital. I'll pay for it, but you are going to pay too. Find a way to get yourself a ride.' My hands shake as I put my phone down on the blanket, looking up at the sleek ceiling. I am going to pay too. Oh god, oh god. What is he going to do to me this time?

An Unspoken Thing [Davekat] Where stories live. Discover now