Standing Up

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Dave's p.o.v.

Today is the last day of school until the weekend starts up and the trials latch onto me, making me confess all of the traumatic encounters I've had with my brother. Today is the last day I get to pretend he doesn't exist. The last day people don't see me as a case, but just a normal person.

Karkat told me that I'm overthinking things, but I'm really not. What if my scars never heal completely? What if my bro's jail time ends in however many years and he still finds a way to find me?

I put on my backpack and I drive me and Karkat to school in my car. I picked at the thread on my wheel and Karkat stared out of the window.

Once I parked in the school's parking lot I unlocked the doors. Before I could get out of the car, Karkat held onto my hand and I looked over at him. His expression was warm and so was his palm.

"Dave..." Karkat said slowly. He paused for a moment, and then nodded. "Don't sweat about it. Something like this you don't need to hide from people, but also remember that something like this isn't easy to figure out."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm saying that... People are still going to think you are the normal Strider, the guy who only drinks apple juice at lunch and recites the bars from Lose Yourself. Nobody is going to know you went through this if you don't tell them." Karkat rubbed my hand. "But if you trust them, you must tell them. You aren't a burden if you do. Take me for an instance. When I found out, I wasn't directing any sort of babying or disgust to you, my anger was for your brother, and for Eridan.

"Which, speaking of Eridan, brings me to this conclusion." Karkat continued matter-of-factly. "Stand up to him, rat out on him, he fucking deserves it. I don't want to see him touch you ever again."

My face heated up from the last sentence he said. Damn he is good with words. "Okay." I said, smiling. "I will."


So far today I've managed through 4 periods and Lunch. Everyone around me acted the same as always, going through their normal lives and treating me the same. It felt strange. I had to stand up and sit down slowly so that my stomach wouldn't bleed a shit ton. People looked at me strange when I did that, but it was the normal, Dave probably got into a fight again stare.

At the end of 4th period I went to the restroom so I could dab on my gash and rebandage it. I looked around, there was a mop in the corner of the bathroom, probably because the janitor left it. There was someone in a stall, but besides that no one else was there so I worked quickly. Once I finished bandaging up my stomach, I pushed my shirt down just in time for the stall behind me to open up and two curved horns emerged from the stall.

My skin crawled when I saw his purple scarf. His eyes widened at the sight of me and he curved around me, reaching the sink so he can wash his hands. His right eye was darkened with a bruise, making me cock an eyebrow.

His gaze snapped to me aggressively. "The fuck are you looking at, Strider?" He spat.

Without thinking, I choked out a, "N-nothing." Damnit, I'm supposed to stand up right now.

He dried off his hands and turned to me again. His lips were pressed in a thin line and he walked up to me. If it wasn't for his fucking terrible impression on me, and his sick-twisted voice and shitty encounters, I would have found him a little attractive. But right now, I fucking don't. He can suck a seahorse's ass for all I care. 

He inspected me face with a strange expression. Then his voice wavered a little. "Are you wwith Karkat?" He mumbled. His voice sounded a little higher than normal.

"That's a random question, what makes you ask that?"

"He fucking attacked me the other day like a fuckin raccoon. Son of a bitch bruised my stomach, telling me that you aren't mine." His cold hand reached up and softly held onto my jaw. "But we both know you are mine, right?"

What do I do? I need to catch him by surprise, I need to knock him out when he least expects it. I came to a conclusion with my plan and I turned away from him, mumbling. "Yes."

"What was that?"

I looked up at him and snaked my hand around his neck weakly. "Y-yes... I am yours... And I've always been yours!"

His eyes widened and his face came closer to mine. "Now that is what I like to hear." he smirked and pressed his lips against mine. His lips embraced mine tightly and hungrily. I had no choice but to kiss him back so I could make a good distraction.

His breath was shit.

I wanted to fucking kill him when he slid his tongue into my mouth and his hand gripped my hip. I put my hand ontop of his so I can prevent it from moving up, last thing I want is for this creep to touch my gash. Knowing that there is a wooden mop in the corner, I backed up as I kissed him, getting closer to the wall.

He smiled against the kiss and did exactly what I wanted him to. He pressed me up against the wall next to the mop and I held onto his neck, kissing him back. Disgust was flowing through me and he started to suck on the skin of my neck. The dull pain made me shake and shutter, and I made a fake moan.

He continued to make a hickey as my right arm reached for the stick of the mop. He had me just a centimeter out of reach, only a little closer and I could grab it.

My eyes widened when I heard something unzip. His shoulder was blocking the view of what he was doing, but I automatically knew once his hand touched my lower abdomen. My breath hitched when his fingers got closer. No no no, please oh god no.

I had to think fast. I pushed him back, leaving him dazed. I quickly grabbed the mop and hit him across the head with the stick. To my surprise, he didn't black out. He staggered a bit, and looked at me with an evil grin.

"Well you're just full of surprises, aren't you Strider?" he laughed. He ran up to me and grabbed my neck, making me gag. "What are you trying to accomplish here, huh?"

I couldn't respond because his fucking hand was gripping my vocal chords.

The door opened behind Eridan and I saw a glimse of Sollux behind him. His expression was filled with shock and disgust. I still had the mop in my hand, and with the little strength I had, and I threw it to Sollux as Eridan continued to choke me.

Sollux grinned and caught it. He ran up behind Eridan and slammed the mop's wooden body down on his head with his psiioniic powers. Eridan let go of me and crashed to the ground with a cry, and was knocked out cold.

Sollux stood above him, grinning like a goof. "I've always wanted to do that, especially to a fucker like him." He said and jogged over to me, holding me up. "Your name is Dave, right? Are you alright?" He asked me. It was a little hard not to laugh at his lisp.

"Y-yeah. I just need him in jail." I said and gestured to the unconscious Ampora on the ground. Then I smacked my head. "Fuck! I have shit going on today, why did I have to add this to it! I should have waited until Monday!"

Sollux laughed and picked Eridan up, grunting. "Well, then I guess you're just going to have to get this done first."

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