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Karkat's p.o.v.

My phone started to buzz in my back pocket and I took it out, looking down at the contact. I concealed my screen under my desk to see it displayed Dave's name. I looked up at the teacher and she glared at me.

"Uh- can I take this call? I will catch up on the notes, I promise." I told her. She made a face and then nodded before letting me go. I got up and awkwardly shuffled out of my class, bringing the phone to my ear. I closed the door behind me, "Dave? What's wrong?"

I heard grunts on the other end, and two voices bickering. "Shit, his arm is slipping, grab his arm you idiot." Then there was another voice that had a lisp... Is that Sollux?  "Fuck you Strider, my muscles aren't that strong."

Dave's voice came up again. "Then use your fancy powers!"

"That takes energy too! I get headaches when I am using it too much, it mostly works easier with anger. Plus, does it look like I got honey on me, man?"

"Dave, are you alright?" I said into the phone.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry." Dave said on the other end. "Fuck this guy is heavy. Hey, you know when you told me to stand up to Eridan?"


"Well I knocked him out, he is totally out."

I gasped and rested my back against the wall, covering my mouth. Haha oh my gog. "Well, technically, I knocked him out." Sollux butted in.

"Whatever, where are you guys? I can meet up with you and help you bring him to the office. Or the nurse- Sollux, did you give him a concussion?"

I heard a sigh on the other end. "I dont know, did I?"

I frowned. "Sollux, don't give me rhetorical questions. Look, Dave, I'll meet you guys at the office, okay?"

"No! Please! This wizard pimp is heavy as hell, meet us in C Building, we will wait at the front for you." Dave pleaded.

"Alright, fine." I said and started to walk out of my buidling. I walked across the campus and made it to C Building, seeing Dave and Sollux bent over and holding their knees as Eridan laid limp on the ground, unconscious. "Jegus, is he even alive."

Sollux nodded. "The fish has a pulse, we are a go."

They both held onto his arms again as I grabbed his ankles, making the weight even and getting rid of the drag. We carried him for half of the way there, set him down to take a break, and continued to carry him until we reached the office. I'm surprised that he didn't wake up while we were carrying him.

We stopped by the nurses office, pretended that Sollux hurt his hand while Eridan was sat in a chair, 'sleeping'. Sollux then came out with an icepack and put it on Eridan's head.

We carried Eridan to the principal's office and tried our best to explain why he is unconscious, which was one hell of a conversation. Then she began to ask the big questions, which Dave answered honestly and nervously as I held his hand. Once he finished, he drew in a big breath to revive the tension in the room.

"So... He has been sexually and physically harrassing you, but today you made him kiss you so that you could get the bat to knock him out? I mean, if you really hate the guy, then you should have just grabbed the bat and go to town-" The principal realized that the last sentence she said wasn't appropriate so she cleared her throat and laced her fingers together. "You know what I mean?"

"Exactly!" I butt in a little too quickly. Dave looks at me and I attempt to calm down a little.

Dave repositions himself in the chair. "Eridan doesn't go down easy like that. If I tried to knock him out without any distraction, then he would bust out his wand and do god knows what to me."

"This kid has a wand?" The principal asked, eyes wide.

"Come'on lady, this is a school full of dumb suburban human teens and trolls with unique powers or disabilities, you are the fucking principal, you should know how crazy shit can get-"

"Dave." I said to him, clutching his hand tighter.

He turned back to the principal and smiled. "Oh! Uh- sorry. Excuse my french." He said quickly. "Yes, he does have a wand, remember the story I just told you five minutes ago about when he shocked me and I had to go to the hospital?"

"Ooh, yes, now I do recall." She chuckled, making me seethe on how fucking dumb and snarky she is.

I stopped chewing at my lip and narrowed my gaze to her. "Can we just call the cops on Eridan now or something? Get this over with? I'm sick of this shit, we already have evidence of Eridan's abuse, I mean, look at Dave's hand and arm!" On que, he held out his scarring arm to the principal and she winced looking at it. I continued, "Look, excuse my fucking profanity, but you suck. You suck at your job because you cant keep a patrol in the halls, thats how Dave got fried and no one noticed but me. And authorities in this school should be concerned whenever they see that Dave clearly has a beaten-up face. You are all fucking clueless."

The principal was silent, not able to respond to what I said. Instead, she drummed her fingers on her desk and had her forehead in her hand. Then I stood up from the chair and grabbed Dave's hand. Sollux stood up too, looking lost, and I gestured him to sit back down. "We will be right back, me and Dave need to talk privately for a moment." I told them and then left the office.

I took Dave outside of the school's office building and faced him. He smiled at me. "Thank you... For saying that to her for me."

"It needed to be said." I told him, then I looked down at the ground. "Look, I'm going to call the station and tell them to reschedule your questioning, today is already dedicated to bringing this fish-asshole to justice."


I pulled out my phone and called the police station. "Hello, This is Maple Valley Police Department, how may I take your call?"

"This is Karkat Vantas, my, uh, friend Dave is part of the-"

"Oh yes, I know which investigation, let me direct your call to the lead investigator."

The phone chimed in my ear and the end picked up again. "This is Detective Daniel- what the- Vantas? What seems to be the issue?"

Damn they really have a system going on here don't they. "Dave might have to reschedule the interrogation for tomorrow. We have... Someone else for you to see."

"Is Dave with you?" he asked on the other end.

I held my phone up to Dave and eyed at him. He was flustered for a moment and then spoke into the phone's mic. "I am present." I tried to suppress my laugh on how awkward he spoke.

"Okay." He said. "What is going on?"

"Dave's bro isn't the only one who has been treating him terribly." I said. Dave made an uncomfortable face when I said that sentence, but I continued. "There is another dick who I am conveniently going hand over to you to interrogate. Once again, Dave's body is evidence and I am another witness and all that mumbo jumbo-"

Detective Daniel cut me off. "Vantas, you can't just add another case in my hands-"

"Please, man. You can do it. All the other detectives are petty, we struck gold with getting you on our side." I pleaded. "Please, please, please, please-"

He sighed on the other end. "Things like this do weigh in your wallet, don't you know that-"

"And I'm fucking prepared for that." I said confidently, and grasped Dave's hand. "Anything for the people I love."

"Then you got yourself a deal." Detective Daniel said. "Come by the station as soon as you can with the guy, we will start with the forensics and get going with the interview."

"Thank you so so much." I said and hung up the phone, smiling at Dave. "Bam, let's go get this fish brain to the station." 

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