Lesson 3: Making a Korean Sentence

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Let's make a sentence.

Basic sentence formation is like this:

{Subject/Topic+particle} + {Object+particle} + {Verb/Adjective+conjugation}

Example: 나는 학교에 갑니다.

나 is subject
는 is particle
학교 is object
에 is particle
갑니다 is verb

Sentence Practice
1) A is B - A는 B입니다

You could switch A and B.

A can be I (나) You (당신 or 당신들) He (그남자) She (그여자) They (그들)
We (우리) this (이것) that(저것) these (이것들) those (저것들)

B can be student (학생) teacher (교사) boy (소년) girl (소녀) soldier (군인)
police (경찰) doctor (의사) desk (책상)

I am a student. - 나는 학생입니다. ( na-neun-hak-saeng-im-ni-da)
* If subject has final consonant, 는 has to changed to 은.

They are doctors. - 그들은 의사입니다 (geu-deul-eun-eui-sa-im-ni-da)
* 입니다 sounds like 임니다.

This is a desk. - 이것은 책상입니다. (yi-gu-seun-chaek-sang-im-ni-da)

2) A go to B - A는 B에 갑니다.

You could switch A and B.

A can be I (나) You (당신 or 당신들) He (그남자) She (그여자) They (그들)
We (우리)

B can be school (학교) park (공원) store (가게) restroom (화장실) hospital (병원)
police station (경찰서) church (교회)

I go to school. - 나는 학교에 갑니다.
* basic meaning of "go" is 가다. In the sentence it changes to 갑니다.

We go to church. - 우리들은 교회에 갑니다.

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