Lesson 17: Make a Hotel Reservation in Korean

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We are going to discuss about a short conversation for a hotel reservation.

Information : Hello. May I help you?
안녕하세요 무엇을 도와드릴까요?
(an nyumg ha se yo moo ut eul do wa deu lil gga yo?)

Customer : I'd like to make a hotel reservation in Seoul.
서울의 호텔을 예약하고 싶습니다
(su wool eui hotel eul ye yak ha go ship seum ni da)

Information : What part of Seoul do you want to stay?
서울의 어느지역을 원하시나요?
(su wool eui uh neu ji yuk eul won ha shin a yo?)

Customer : I'd like to stay in downtown in Seoul near Insadong.
서울의 인사동 근처에 묵고 싶습니다
(su wool eui in sa dong geun chu eh mook go sip seum ni da)

Information : Is there any price range?
어느 정도의 가격대를 원하시나요?
(uh neu jung do eui gag yuk dae leul won ha shi na yo?)

Customer : About 200 dollars per night is good for me.
하루밤에 이백불 정도면 좋겠습니다
(ha loo bam eh ee baek bool jung do myun jot ket seum ni da)

Information : How many days do you want to make a reservation for?
며칠을 예약해드릴까요?
(myu chil eul ye yak hae deu lil gga yo?)

Customer : Three Nights from today.
오늘부터 세밤입니다.
(oh neul boo tu se bam im ni da)

Information : Seoul Hotel and Namsan Hotel are available.
서울 호텔과 남산 호텔이 예약 가능합니다
(su wool ho tel gwa nam san ho tel ee ye yak ga neung ham ni da)

Customer : Which one is in more quiet area?
어느호텔이 좀 더 조용한 지역에 있습니까?
(uh neu ho tel ee jom du jo yong han ji yuk eh it seum ni gga?)

Information : Namsan Hotel is a smaller hotel and in the quieter area.
남산호텔이 좀 더 작고 조용한 지역에 있습니다
(nam san ho tel ee jom du jak go jo yong han ji yuk eh it seum ni da)

Customer : Then.. I'll take Namsan Hotel
그럼 남산호텔로 하겠습니다
(geu lum nam san ho tel lo ha get seum ni da)

Customer : How could I get Namsan Hotel?
남산호텔까지 어떻게 가나요?
(nam san ho tel gga ji uh dduk ke ga na yo?)

Information : You can take taxi or airport limousine.
택시를 타거나 공항버스를 이용하세요
(taek shi leul ta gu na gong hang bu seu leul yi yong ha se yo)

Customer : Thank you
(gam sa ham ni da)

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