Lesson 4: Past,Present,Future Tense for Korean Verbs

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Past Tense Practice

I go to school. - 나는 학교에 갑니다.
If you want to change to past tense 갑니다 changes to 갔습니다
I went to school yesterday. - 나는 어제 학교에 갔습니다.

Here are some verbs with a changed form of past tense.
English verb in present tense - Basic Korean verb - present tense - past tense

Go -가다 (ga-da) - 갑니다 (gam-ni-da) - 갔습니다 (gat-seum-ni-da)
Come -오다(oh-da) - 옵니다 (ohm-ni-da) - 왔습니다 (wat-seum-ni-da)
Buy - 사다 (sa-da) - 삽니다 (sam-ni-da) - 샀습니다 (sat-seum-ni-da)
Wear - 입다 (ib-da) - 입습니다 (ib-seum-ni-da) - 입었습니다 (ib-ut-seum-ni-da)
Open - 열다 (yul-da) - 엽니다 (yum-ni-da) - 열었습니다 (yul-ut-seum-ni-da)
Close - 닫다 (dat-da) - 닫습니다 (dat-seum-ni-da) - 닫았습니다 (dat-at-seum-ni-da)
Walk - 걷다 (gut-da) - 걷습니다 (gut-seum-ni-da) - 걸었습니다 (gul-ut-seum-ni-da)
Run - 뛰다 (ddui-da) - 뜁니다 (dduim-ni-da) - 뛰었습니다 (ddui-ut-seum-ni-da)
Fight-싸우다(ssa-oo-da)-싸웁니다(ssa-oom-ni-da)-싸웠습니다(ssa- wuat-seum-ni-da)

Future Tense Practice

I go to school. - 나는 학교에 갑니다.
If you want to change to future tense 갑니다 changes to 갈겁니다
I am going to school tomorrow.-나는 내일 학교에 갈겁니다.

Here are some verbs with a changed form of future tense.
English verb in present tense - Basic Korean verb - present tense-future tense

Play - 놀다 (nol-da) - 놉니다 (nom-ni-da) - 놀겁니다 (nol-gum-ni-da)
Eat - 먹다 (muk-da) -먹습니다 (muk-seum-ni-da) - 먹을겁니다 (muk-eul-gum-ni-da)
Drink - 마시다 (ma-shi-da) - 마십니다 (ma-shim-ni-da) - 마실겁니다 (ma-shil-gum-ni-da)
Dance - 춤추다 (choom-choo-da) - 춤춥니다 (choom-choomni-da) - 춤출겁니다 (choom-chool-gum-ni-da)
Write - 쓰다 (sseu-da) - 씁니다 (sseum-ni-da) - 쓸겁니다 (sseul-gum-ni-da)
Sleep - 자다 (ja-da) - 잡니다 (jam-ni-da) - 잘겁니다 (jal-gum-ni-da)
Drive - 운전하다 (oon-jun-ha-da) - 운전합니다 (oon-un-ham-ni-da) - 운전할겁니다 (oon-jun hal-gum-ni-da)
Meet - 만나다 (man-na-da) - 만납니다 (man-nam-ni-da) - 만날겁니다 (man-nal-gum-ni-da)
Listen - 듣다 (deut-da) - 듣습니다 (deut-seum-ni-da) - 들을겁니다 (deul-eul-gum-ni-da)
Sing - 노래하다 (no-lae-ha-da) - 노래합니다 (no-lae-ham-ni-da) - 노래할겁니다 (no-lae-hal-gum-ni-da)

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