Lesson 20: Airline Ticket Reservation

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We are going to learn a short conversation for an airline ticket reservation.

Kim : This is the travel agency, isn't it?

거기 여행사인가요?

(gu gi yu haeng sa in ga yo?)

I would like to book a flight to London.

런던 가는 비행기를 예약하고 싶습니다.

(lun dun ga neun bi haeng gi leul ye yak ha go shib seum ni da.)

Clerk : When will you be leaving?

언제 떠나실 건가요?

( un je ddu na shil gun ga yo?)

Kim : Is there a plane on Wednesday or Thursday this week?

이번주 수요일이나 목요일에 비행기가 있나요?

( ee bun joo soo yo il ee na mok yo il eh bi haeng gi ga it na yo?

Clerk : Please wait a moment.

잠시만 기다려 주세요.

( jam shi man gi da lyu joo se yo. )

Yes, there is a plane to London on Wednesday .

네, 수요일에 런던행 비행기가 있습니다.

( ne, soo yo il eh lun dun haeng bi haeng gi ga it seum ni da.)

Kim : Is it a direct flight?


( jik haeng in ga yo?)

Clerk : No, you have to transfer in Hong Kong.

아닙니다, 홍콩에서 갈아타셔야 합니다.

(ah nim ni da, hong kong eh su gal ah ta shyu ya ham ni da.)

Kim : What is the rate?

요금은 얼마입니까?

(yo geum eun ul ma im ni gga?)

Clerk : $ 1000.00 one way and $1600.00 for round trip.

편도는 1000불이고 왕복은 1600 불입니다.

(pyun do neun chum bool ee go wang bok eun chun yook baek bool im ni da.)

Kim : Please make a reservation for a round trip ticket.

왕복으로 예약해주십시요.

(wang bok eu lo ye yak hae joo shib shi yo.)

Clerk : Please tell me your name and contact number.

이름과 연락처를 말씀해 주십시요.

( ee leum gwa yun lak chu leul mal sseum hae joo shib shi yo.)

Kim : My name is Kim Davis and my cell phone number is 123-4567.

제 이름은 Kim Davis이고 제 셀폰 넘버는 일이삼에 사오육칠입니다.

(je ee leum eun Kim Davis ee go je ssel pon num bu neun il ee sam eh sa oh yook chil im ni da.)

Clerk : All done. Please drop by our office to pick up your ticket tomorrow.

다 됐습니다. 내일 비행기표를 찾으러 저희 사무실에 오십시요.

(da doit seum ni da. nae il bi haeng gi pyo leul cha jeu lu ju hee sa moo shil eh oh shib shi yo.)

Kim : Thank you.


(gam sa ham ni da.)

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