There are two numeral systems in Korean: Sino-Numeral System and Native Numeral System. We are going to review Native Numeral System in Lesson 14.
Native System can be used for Time of the day (Hour), counting products, etc.1 하나 (hana)
2 둘 (dool)
3 셋 (set)
4 넷 (net)
5 다섯 (dasut)
6 여섯 (yusut)
7 일곱 (ilgob)
8 여덟 (yudul)
9 아홉 (ahob)
10 열 (yul)
11 열하나 (yulhana)
19 열아홉 (yulahob)
20 스물 (seumool)
30 서른 (suleun)
40 마흔 (maheun)
50 쉰 (Shwen)
60 예순 (yesoon)
70 일흔 (ilheun)
80 여든 (yudeun)
90 아흔 (aheun)
99 아흔아홉 (aheunahob)
100 백 (baek)
101 백하나 (baekhana)
110 백열 (baekyul)
111 백열하나 (baekyulhana)There are some changes in the word when you use the Native numeral System.
We will discuss that in a later lesson.
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RandomLet's learn HANGUL!!! PS. I DID NOT MAKE THIS. THIS IS WHERE I LEARNED AND I ONLY COPIED THIS FROM THE WEBSITE TO SHARE TO YOU. THANK YOU AND HAPPY LEARNING~ big credits to the website (i forgot the link, sorry) cc-; me September 23,2017