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I met with her at Mexicana a little after one thirty. I was nervous long before arriving. My hands were sweating, my jaw was trembling. There was this part of me that regretted calling her. But seeing her there, standing by the entrance, with that pretty smile and her hands on her pockets. Strangely, it made me feel better, at ease with it, as if I had made the right choice all along.

I don't remember what I wore, but I do remember what she wore for reasons I'll explain later. She had a black t-shirt with a dreamcatcher, blue jeans and black leather heels. She also wore a black coat for the cold, although it was a sunny day. I shoved my hands in my jacket's pockets and came closer.

"Hey," she said with a welcoming smile and kissed my cheek.

"Hey. Can we go in? I'm starving."

Mexicana was a beautiful but small restaurant, cozy and friendly, filled with flavor. The kind of family business is handed down from generation to generation, and the owners already had their seventeen year old son in the kitchen, and their sixteen year old daughter working the tables. She handed us the menus.

"So..." Rosie began.


She laid eyes on me like she was expecting me to start the conversation, and when I didn't, instead of saying something herself, she would just smile.

"Uhm, so you've come here before?" I finally asked.

"Yeah, a couple of times. Mostly with my family."

"Huh. Interesting" Interesting? God, if I could throw a shoe at myself I would.

"Riley... you really need to relax, okay? We're just having something to eat and talking. I'm not gonna bite you, I promise."

I sighed. Yes, it was silly. We talked at the party, why was I so nervous? "Sorry. You're right."

"You know what you wanna order?"

"I want some tacos. I love tacos."

"Me, too."

Rosie raised her hand to call the waitress. I ordered beef tacos, she ordered fish tacos, and to get things going, a plate of nachos with guacamole. At the beginning, the conversation felt forced, maybe because I was so nervous. But as we kept on chatting and as I shared with her I felt the same I had back at the party. I felt connected, like I could tell her many things I wouldn't, in a million years, tell someone I had only met twice.

"Nah, she wasn't that bad," she said referring to her ex.

She didn't start talking about her ex randomly. I asked her. I wanted to know. Before replying I dipped a nacho in guacamole and ate it "She stole your Facebook password and changed your profile pic for the picture of a pig."

"Well, yeah, okay, that was mean but... also kind of funny."

"You really don't get angry about anything, do you?"

"Nah. I don't like being angry. It's a waste of time and energy."

She grabbed a bunch of nachos and tried to eat them all at the same time, which of course she couldn't and ended in pieces of nacho falling all over the table. I wanted to say something funny, but I started laughing before I could. So did she.

The waitress came back with our tacos and as we ate, there was something I had to know.

"What about your parents?"

"What about them?"

"I mean... how did they take it, you know, that you were gay?"

She didn't put into words what she was thinking but I'm sure it was something like 'Why do you want to know?' And at the time, I didn't admit it. I wanted to know because I wanted to put myself in the hypothetical situation of my parents reacting to something like that. Eventually, I had to tell them, but that story comes later.

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