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"I don't think it's a good idea," I said with my eyes on the ceiling.

"You have to, Scott it's your best friend. You can't hide this from him," said Faye lying next to me on the bed, with her eyes on the ceiling as well.

"What if he... what if he doesn't take it... I don't know."

"Come on, Riley, he's your best friend. He's just gonna thank you for confiding in him and he'll support you. We both know that. Scott is a great guy."

"I guess."

It had been two months since Rosie and I had broken up and Faye had convinced me it was a good idea to tell Scott I'm gay. She didn't really convince me, she just put the idea on the table and I considered it for a long time before accepting it had to be done. Scott and I know each other since we were nine. I couldn't push him away like this simply because I am a coward that won't publically admit her sexual orientation. Faye didn't see it that way. She thought it was normal not wanting the world to know. It's not like they take it well, is it? But she also thought I should trust in the people closest to me, that's why I keep them around, because I trust them, even with this.

The next day at school, I told Scott we had to speak. And I used that word: 'speak', because I believed it would let him know this was important. I told him we could go to Juxcy after school. A small place with about ten tables that sells the best juices and shakes in the world.

We arrived at three PM, I asked for a blueberry, coconut and vanilla shake. Scott asked for a strawberry, ginger and cinnamon juice. We sat on the corner were we could be alone and no one would listen to our conversation.

"So, talk to me, Ry. What's up?"

I took a sip of my shake "This is kind of serious."

"Yeah, no shit. You're shivering, man. Come on. Just tell me."

I breathed in deep, trying to relax the muscles of my back and my arms. Okay, here goes nothing, "I'm gay."

Scott stopped zipping his juice. His eyes looked up at me as if he was waiting for me to continue or say something else, maybe that it was a joke and he'd fallen right into it. But when I said nothing else, he stopped drinking, raised a brow and asked "That's it?"

"Yeah... I guess."

"Man, come on. I already knew that. I also knew about you and Rosie. And I'm guessing you guys broke up because I haven't seen her or heard about her in a few months."

"You knew?"

"Of course. Although, if I must be honest, I thought you would end up dating Faye."

I felt a shock of electricity running up and down my spine. "Faye?"

"Yeah, I mean, you guys would make the cutest couple ever."

I never thought about Faye that way. Perhaps not never, but our friendship was too important for me to risk losing it out of a whim. Whenever I looked at Faye changing into her pajamas and my legs started shaking, I ignored it. When she smiled at me and I felt a warm sensation in the pit of my chest, when she held my hand and my mouth went dry I ignored it, too.

"Nah, I love her but... we're just friends."

"No, I know but I'm just saying that if you weren't, you would be great together." I started playing with my hands on the table and Scott knows that is my sign of 'I am nervous', so he stopped and changed the direction of the conversation "If you want, I can hook you up with some girls I know."


"Come on. Don't tell me you haven't noticed the way some girls at school look at you. I can arrange something."

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