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Alright, so before we start I'd like to leave a bit of a disclaimer. This chapter is a little graphic, so read at your own discretionEnjoy!

I dreamed I was in a labyrinth made out of brown bricks and no light came in. I could see with the help of a lighter but to make things worse, there was something after me. I needed to find a way out of there before it caught me. I couldn't really say what it was, the only thing I know is that it was not human.

I was terrified, trying to run as fast as I could but the labyrinth seemed endless, every turn was futile. At one point, the flame in my lighter extinguished. I tried to lite it again but it was no use. I knew what would happen to me, so I sat down on the floor and waited. I could hear it growling in the distance, moving its legs, breathing heavily, with blood dripping from the corner of its mouth. My legs were shaking as I closed my eyes and covered my ears. I didn't want to know how close it was from me.

"Riley?" I heard. As I heard it pronounce my name, I felt a chill going down my spine. Oh, dear God. "Riley?" It repeated. "Riley, wake up."

I sat up gasping for air. I felt a pair of hands on me, one in back chest and another one in my back, when I turned to see who it was, Faye was next to me.

"Baby, are you okay?"

I looked around, incapable of realize I was awake. It took me some time to calm myself down and remember where I was. I was with Faye, we were lying together on the bed in the shed. We'd gone there after work because Faye had a fight with Scott.

"You had a nightmare again?"

I sighed. "It's nothing."

"You are crying," she stated.

I touched my cheeks with my index finger. I was crying. Or I had been while I was dreaming. "You should head home. Scott will be waiting for you."

"Who cares? Riley, what's going on? You are not taking your meds."

"Yes, I am."

"No, you are not. I should know, I count them."

"You count my pills?"

"When you forget what the conversation was about after five minutes, yes, I would think it is a good idea to count the pills to make sure you are taking them."

"My memory's been fine."

"Yes, because of the medicine. If you stop taking them we are back to you forgetting where you work or when you've got the doctor's appointment."

"That's not gonna happen."

"What day is it?"


"Of the month."

"Uh... 10th?"

"Close, 17th. Who was our last customer today?"

"You can't expect me to remember that."

"I do remember."

"You are healthy."

"Exactly! You are not and you need to take your freaking pills." She sighed. "What is going on Riley? You've been distant and... quiet lately. Just like you were right after you got back. I feel like you are hiding things from me."

"Leave me alone!" I yelled. I didn't mean to yell at her like that. But Faye's expression didn't change. "I'm sorry."

"Okay. I'll get going. I'll see you at work tomorrow, okay? I love you, Riley."

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