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Faye and I had been dating for a little over a year. We were about to turn eighteen, desperately in love and stupidly thought we would never face any kind of problems. None that we couldn't overcome, at least. What did we know

At the time we were happy, but there was an elephant in the room, a discussion we had every single time we were alone. Faye wanted to come out of the closet. I didn't. I loved my dad..., no seriously, I did. But a controlling, old fashion man it's not going to take the fact that her daughter is gay with open arms. Plus, over the years, my relationship with my father grew more difficult. He would always say something controlling or imposing about Connor and I would always jump in, which meant our fights kept increasing, both in frequency and intensity.

So no, I didn't want to tell them. Faye came up with the idea that maybe telling our friends first would be better, telling people who weren't our parents would give us a bit more confidence, or that's what kept repeating. But I didn't want my friends to know before my parents. Small town, gossip spreads like a virus. If we were to tell our friends, our parents would find out in a matter of weeks and finding out was in no way better than hearing it from me. She couldn't refute that.

I asked her to give me time, a few days, maybe a few weeks. She wasn't really pushing me but I felt pushed. I've always felt pushed with everything. Especially after the bucket of water she threw at me one Saturday night, when we went to her home after watching a movie to play video games.

I said hello to Mr. and Mrs. Burton who were cooking dinner together. I always thought they looked like the most perfect couple when they cooked dinner together. I headed for the stairs to go to her bedroom. Faye, who was a bit behind me, stopped at the bottom of the stairs and look at her parents, who could be seen past the kitchen island.

"Mom, dad?"

"Yeah, honey." They said at unison.

"Riley is my girlfriend." Just like that, without telling me, without any kind of warning, she just dropped the bomb on them, and on me.

"We know," said Mr. Burton.

Not happy with that, Faye felt the necessity to be more specific. "As in we're dating."

They both left the steaks they were cooking to turn around and glance at Faye. Her dad said; "Yeah, we know."

"No, I mean, as in girlfriend, girlfriend."

Her mother was the one to answer this time. "Yes, darling. We know."

Faye was expecting something else, but she wasn't expecting a bad reaction to it. Her parents were always very opened when it came to sexuality and how to handle it. They had the sex conversation with Faye that my parents never had with me. You know, boys, healthy sexuality, condoms, even masturbation. My dad never mentioned the topic, my mom mentioned it once to tell me that I should protect myself when I was ready, but she didn't specify what protection was or the methods that existed.

Faye smiled at her parents, and prepared to follow me upstairs, but her parents interrupted her by calling out "No more closed doors when Riley is here, young lady."

"Yes, ma'am."

And that was Faye's coming out story. Not particularly inspiring or relatable. Mine was a different thing.

We played video games until nine with her bedroom door open, something we had never had to do, but it was a price I was willing to pay as long as her parents were fine with me. At nine Faye and I went downstairs, she wanted to say bye to me at the front door, but before I could leave, her parents stopped me with a "Where do you think you're going, young lady?"

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