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We sat around the coffee table drinking coffee, pretending the elephant in the room wasn't pushing us into a corner. Faye sat by Scott on the big couch. I sat alone on the small one. For some reason, I thought it resembled my situation a lot.

"Man, it's so good to see you!" He repeated.

Scott was trying to play nice as much as he could, but I know him. Finding his... wife talking to her ex-girlfriend wasn't pleasant for him. But he was, honestly, happy to see me. I could tell in the hug he gave me as soon as he saw me.

I took a sip of my coffee and replied. "Yeah, you too. Being trying to get in contact with you but..."

"Man, I'm always busy. The dealership is always bursting with something. Someone did something wrong, someone fucked up with the filing, or there is something that is not selling. Things like that you know?"

No, I didn't know. "Sure."

The room filled with silence, but Scott would've died before giving the elephant any chance of speaking up. "So what? You're back for good?"

"Yeah, I think so. Technically I'm in inactive duty but, let's be honest, they are not calling me any time soon with this arm."

"What happened to your arm?"

Scott seemed to be the only one who didn't feel restrained when it came to asking about my time overseas. "Broke it."

"I see, I see. So, what you're a private and everything now?" he said as a compliment.

"Uh, privates are enlisted. I'm an officer."

"What's the difference?"

"Basically?" He nodded, "I give orders rather than receiving them. Of course, I take orders too from my superiors but I always had people under my wing."

"Great, and, are you thinking about re-enlisting?"

"Scott," Faye murmured trying to cut him short.

"No, not really. I served my country, and I made it back. Next time... maybe that won't be the case. And I'm happy to be home with my family."

"Right. Well, it's great to have you back, man." He commented "You know what we should do one time? We should go play Paintball. I mean, with all the training you got you'd kick our asses but it would still be fun."

"Scott," Faye repeated, trying to get him to notice my arm again.

"Oh, right. The arm."

He seemed disappointed. He was trying to give our lives some kind of familiarity, something we could bound over. Something that would remind us why we were friends in the first place.

"That's fine. I jog almost every morning, plus it's not like you can't carry a paintball gun around with one arm."

"See?" he said to Faye "She's fine with it. We could invite Mike and Louise."

"Isn't Louise pregnant?" I pointed out.

"Okay, Louise can watch. She'll end up bossing Mike around so she'll be there in spirit. What do you say?"

I didn't want to say no. The guy was trying. Probably out of guilt, but he was still trying. "Maybe. Let's see how my arm feels in a couple of weeks, then we'll talk."

I stood up and offered to take their cups of coffee to the kitchen. Scott refused and tried to take mine from me saying he'd do it. But I hadn't finished my coffee, so when he tried to take the cup off my hand, it spilled onto my left hand.

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