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We arrived at the Paintball field at two. As the car stopped, I shook my head thinking how bad of an idea that was. Why had I accepted? I didn't want to play paintball, but Scott and I hadn't shared some quality time together since I got back. Also, he didn't seem to be angry that Faye and I left for almost a week without him knowing, and I felt like it was my duty at that point. But Jesus, it was such a bad idea. Even Mark could tell, but no one said anything out loud.

The five of us; Faye, Scott, Louise, Mike and I descended from the car.

"It's a great day for paintball, right guys?" Scott said. He was excessively enthusiastic, yet we all decided to ignore it.

"Yeah," Faye replied. He wrapper her in his arms and kissed her in the cheek. I sighed.

We all walked towards the entrance and as it turned out, Scott had his own Paintball gun, but unlike when we were kids, this one looked, for lack of a better word, professional. It was beautiful to look at, the metal was consistent, perfectly layered... but there was a little problem. It looked too much like an actual Bravo Assault Rifle, the only difference was the metal was a bit too light, and the paintball container on the top gave it away as a paint gun.

What made it worst, was his excessive attachment to Faye. Because let's be honest, there is no subtle way of peeing on your wife to make sure everyone knows she's your territory. And that's what he was doing. He was growling at anyone who looked at her for too long. Figuratively speaking. And in that situation, the threat was me. But he never made it clear. He acted like he was just a loving husband giving his wife his full attention. That wasn't what kicked me in the guts. It was that Faye looked so at ease with. So happy that he had his hands on her. It made me feel so... I don't know.

Scott insisted on paying saying that it was his idea and it was only fair, which made the already tense environment even more awkward. When the guy tending the paintball shop came to hand me my gun, Scott stopped him and gave me his instead. The one that looked like a Bravo. If you're thinking 'That's a weird thing to do', imagine how I was feeling. It was like in his mind; this was some kind of gift. Some kind of acknowledgment for my years of service. Like he was congratulating me over the worst years of my entire life.

"Here, man," he said "You can have my Alpha Black."

I looked at his eyes trying to figure out if he was joking, but I couldn't read him. I reached out and took the gun from his hands and for a split second, I felt my uniform weighing down on me. But when I looked up, all my friends were there, smiling, ready for action. Looking at their faces, I decided the best thing I could do was to relax.

"I know it's a bit too much but you'll love it I promise. Here." Scott walked away and placed three empty cans in a row on top of a barrel twenty feet away from us. "Come on, show me what'cha got."

My mind repeated 'this was a bad idea'. Faye, Mark and Louise looked at each other, then at me and gave me a gaze that said, 'you don't have to do it if you don't want to', but Scott was putting so much effort into making things normal that I felt pushed into complying.

While I decided whether or not to follow through, he put his arm around Faye, pulled her closer and kissed her cheek. Jesus, man. Seriously?

I grabbed the gun. It was the first time I was using my left arm since I had removed the arm sling, but I still kept it covered, and I had already had my first session with the physician, so I was feeling good about it.

I grabbed the front of Alpha Black with my left hand for support, I couldn't really squeeze it hard, but I could hold on to it. I flexed my legs and leaned my body forward, then I pulled the trigger missing on purpose.

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