Chapter Three

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Jimin didn't know what came over him, what possessed him to do what he just did. He was so caught up in the moment, the intensity in Yoongi's eyes and voice that he ignored all reason and gave in to his base desires. Gave in to the way Yoongi stared at him, the way he touched him, the way he commanded all of Jimin's attention without even trying.

Jimin threw his door open before ripping his doctor's coat from his body and diving onto his bed. Wrapping his blankets tight around himself, he breathed deeply through his nose before exhaling slowly through his mouth, trying to calm down his racing heart.

It felt like an eternity before his heart rate slowed down enough for him to sort through his muddled thoughts. Jimin liked to think he knew himself, having lived a good twenty-four years and currently in the prime of his life. His best years were still ahead of him but the journey to get to where he was now had been tough. He'd gone through mental hurdles, bouts of inadequacy and self-loathing so extreme it had forced his best friend into situations neither of them would like to repeat.

But for all of his ups and downs, all of his trials and mental anguish, Jimin knew he would go through it all again because without them, without the pain, he wouldn't be as strong as he was. He'd gone through enough to know who he was, what he was capable of. He held strong to his beliefs, and treated each new encounter as a challenge to force him to grow, to mature and learn things he never would have ever considered.

He knew who he was, so to suddenly act the way he did, to throw all of his inhibitions away went against everything he had taught himself.

And that thought frightened him.

Yoongi had done something to him. The elder had burrowed into his subconscious, made a home in his thoughts, and Jimin knew he wasn't going to leave any time soon. But Jimin couldn't even be mad at Yoongi because, if both of their actions that night were anything to go by, he didn't seem to be in control of himself either.

Jimin couldn't deny there was something between them, an attraction so strong that they seemed to collide every time either of them were in the same room. Yoongi looked at him with so much heat, so much passion, that it was all Jimin could do to not combust from the intensity of it. No one had ever made him feel this way before, like he was the centre of their world.

He'd had relationships before but they never lasted very long - his longest lasting relationship so far had only gone on for about three months before they decided to break things off - and none of his previous partners had ever made him feel like he was the only other living being in the universe.

Jimin blushed and he covered his reddening cheeks with his blanket as he remembered how hot Yoongi's skin was to the touch, how soft his lips were, and how hard he'd been. How hard they'd both been. He felt almost ashamed at how brazenly he'd acted, how desperate he'd been for a man he had only met the day before, and under circumstances that normally would have had him running the other way.

But even as he tried to fight it, to try and talk himself out of it, Jimin knew that what he felt for Yoongi went deeper than just mere attraction. He couldn't deny how handsome the elder was, how his beauty had captured Jimin's attention from the moment he laid eyes on the other. But underneath the vain lust lay a feeling of love and affection he never knew he could develop for someone who was practically a stranger to him.

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