Chapter Five

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It wasn't until a few days after their date that Jimin sees Yoongi at the clinic again. They'd been messaging each other constantly, updating the other about everything and nothing at the same time, random conversations that lead to late nights. Jimin would often find himself waking up before his alarm, his phone laying on the pillow beside his head, Yoongi's messages still open and blinking up at him.

"You guys are so gross," Taehyung said one time over breakfast.

Jimin, who had been staring at his phone and smiling to himself, looked up and sent his roommate a glare. "Shut up, Tae."

Taehyung shrugged, shovelling more Froot Loops into his mouth. Some of the multicoloured milk had dribbled out of his mouth and onto his shirt but he made no move to clean himself up. Jimin grimaced at the stain, already knowing how much of a bitch it was going to be to get out.

"But you are," he said, pointing his spoon at Jimin's phone. "You're always texting him, looking at your phone and smiling. It's creepy, Chim."

Jimin threw a red ring at him, watching it hit his chest and bounce off with a squelch, smiling in satisfaction at Taehyung's affronted look.

"I'm not being creepy," Jimin mumbled, popping another spoonful of his cereal into his mouth. He chewed and swallowed before continuing. "Besides, you were the same with Kookie when you guys first started going out."

Taehyung grinned. "And I remember you calling me out on it every time I acted, and I quote, like an idiotic moron in love."

Jimin rolled his eyes, hating how Taehyung could use something he'd said against him. How the younger even managed to remember an off-handed comment he'd made two years ago stumped him since the guy could barely be able to remember to brush his hair in the morning. Jimin eyed said hair in distaste, noting the way the strands refused to sit flat on his head.

"That doesn't mean you can do the same to me," Jimin replied, standing from the table and depositing his bowl and spoon into the sink. He turned the water on, pouring a generous amount of dishwashing soap onto his utensils before scrubbing at them, the suds spreading onto his hands.

Jimin heard Taehyung scoff behind him, the younger choking on his milk as he did so.

"No fair, Jiminie!" he said, once his coughing fit had stopped. "Why can you tease me about it but I can't tease you?"

When everything was washed and sitting in the rack to dry, Jimin wiped his hands on some paper towels before turning back around and facing his roommate. "Because I'm older," he replied with a raised eyebrow.

Taehyung stared at him for a moment, his mouth hanging open before he snapped it closed again and pointed an accusing finger at him. "That's such a lame reason! What are you, five?"

Jimin shrugged, a gesture that eerily mimicked the same one Taehyung had sent him earlier. "If it means me being right, then yes, I am five."

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