Chapter Four

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"Alright, Yoongi-hyung, you're all good to go," Jimin said as he stepped away from Yoongi's bed, hooking the stethoscope around his neck as he did so.

Yoongi carefully slid his shirt back over his head, careful to not aggravate the wounds that still had stitches closing them up. He pat down the front as he jumped off the bed, landing on the linoleum floor with a dull thud. Jimin watched the way he stretched his arms above his head, emitting a soft grunt as his bones creaked back into place.

If he didn't know any better, Jimin could have sworn Yoongi was some sort of feline, his movements smooth and graceful, almost lazy in the way he did things.

"Are you sure I'm perfectly healthy?" Yoongi asked, a teasing glint in his eye as he smiled at Jimin. "Shouldn't you keep me here a bit longer in case I go into cardiac arrest or something?"

Jimin rolled his eyes, playfully shoving at Yoongi's chest when the elder chuckled at the blush staining his cheeks. "You won't go into cardiac arrest, hyung. You only got a few cuts and scrapes."

Bright, loud laughter interrupted them as they both turned to the source. Hoseok was sitting on one of the seats in front of Jimin's desk, arms wrapped around his middle as he laughed to himself and fighting off the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes. He slapped his knee a few times before lifting his head, his large grin still plastered onto his face.

"Wow, I never knew Yoongi-hyung could be so clingy," he said, laughing even harder when Yoongi glared at him.

"Don't you have somewhere to be, Hoseok?" Yoongi asked, his irritation clear in the way he stood, arms folded in front of his chest as he scowled at the younger. "You have dance classes to teach, don't you?"

Hoseok waved his comment away. "Not until after one. Jong-in's been looking after my kids all morning so I could be here."

Yoongi narrowed his eyes and Jimin covered his mouth with his hand, trying and failing to hold in his own laughter at the way Yoongi was pouting.

"Well," Yoongi said as his eyes shifted to Jimin, "you can leave whenever you want. I'm sure I'll be able to get home in one piece with or without your help."

Jimin lifted his eyes to the elder, looking at him through his lashes. He felt the tell-tale signs of his blush returning as he held Yoongi's gaze but he couldn't bear to tear his eyes away, too entranced by the dark irises. His stomach flipped when the corner of Yoongi's lips lifted up into a smirk, the sight never failing to leave him breathless.

"Aw, hyung, don't be like that," Hoseok said as he placed one hand over his heart. "I came all the way down here to make sure you got home okay. Aren't I a good dongsaeng?"

Yoongi clicked his tongue, moving his eyes from Jimin's to glare at Hoseok. "No, you're not."

"Rude," Hoseok huffed.

Jimin laughed openly then, unable to control himself as he watched the pair bicker. He didn't miss the way Yoongi stared at him, his eyes softening and a small, subdued smile pulling at his lips.

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