Chapter Thirteen

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Jimin wasn't about to let one failed attempt keep him from being intimate with his boyfriend, and seeing the way Yoongi reacted to his seduction (Jimin still blushed whenever he thought about it too long), sent his self-confidence skyrocketing. While they had been interrupted before, that didn't stop them from being together. Granted, they couldn't exactly go all the way with both of their busy schedules - Jimin with his clinic and Yoongi with his music - but whenever they found the time, they never wasted it.

It was like something in the both of them had been released from its cage. Something primal with base urges that needed to be fulfilled. Whenever they were together, it wasn't often that they weren't touching. From something small liked linked pinkies during their lunch dates or something big like public displays of affection. It didn't matter to them as long as they had some sort of physical contact.

Jin had warned him that Yoongi would get clingier the further their relationship progressed and Jimin found he didn't really mind it. Because if Yoongi was clingy, then he himself was almost smothering. His personality leant himself to be on the more dependent end of the spectrum, gluing himself to those he considered his close friends and family. Taehyung had often joked that he had been a koala in his past life to which Jimin simply pouted at him before curling against his side even more as they watched a movie.

But, as much as he saw himself as an annoying boyfriend who couldn't leave his soulmate alone, Yoongi never pushed him away. If anything, the elder would pull him in closer before kissing his hair softly and whispering words of love and encouragement in his ear. And Jimin ate it all up. He'd always been a glutton for praise, even as a child, and hearing Yoongi call him pretty, and beautiful, and the most perfect being in the entire universe - Yoongi's exact words - made him feel all sorts of satisfied.

He knew Yoongi didn't like when other people invaded his personal space, but he never once complained when Jimin would invite himself over to the elder's apartment or crash his recording sessions at the studio, oftentimes to the relentless teasing of Yoongi's co-workers and partnering artists. Thankfully, this time Jimin had chosen a day where Yoongi wasn't currently engaged in any important meetings.



I'll be there in 10 min.

Please wait for me



Stay safe and warm

Jimin smiled to himself and was about to pocket his phone when it buzzed in his hand again.


I love you

Jimin couldn't help the high-pitched squeal he let out after he read it. He could just picture the way Yoongi would have hesitated, staring at his phone and pursing his lips the way he usually did when he was in thought, before cursing himself and hurriedly typing out the short message. He felt a small, fond smile creep onto his face as he imagined he way Yoongi's cheeks would pinken up slightly from embarrassment, his blush even more obvious because of his pale skin.

His boyfriend was too adorable for words, and Jimin again thanked whatever god was watching over him for bringing the elder into his life.


I love you too, hyung!


He ignored all the strange stares he received after his little outburst and continued walking down the footpath with a spring in his step. Winter was slowly creeping up on them and he could feel it in the way the air seemed to thicken around him. Saw it in the way his breath came out in little white puffs. Pulling his wool gloves from his bag, he put them on carefully, mindful of any loose thread. No matter how many times Jungkook teased him about wearing gloves that were obviously well-loved and in need of replacing, Jimin couldn't do it.

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