Chapter Fifteen

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With Christmas looming just over the horizon, it meant that Jimin didn't have a lot of time to prepare for it. He'd had deadlines before, almost near impossible feats of rushed reports and all-nighters that left him resembling little more than a zombie the following day, but not even they could have prepared him for the monster that was Jung Hoseok on a mission.

"Hyung! Please, let's stop here," Jimin whined from his place on the floor, sprawled out like a starfish. "I'm tired."

He heard Hoseok click his tongue, a clear indication that he wasn't happy.

"Jimin-ah," he said, "we don't have a lot of time left." Jimin heard shuffling before a warm body was suddenly sat beside him. He looked over to see Hoseok leaning against the mirrored wall. "You're the one who asked me for help, remember?"

Jimin sighed. "I know. And I appreciate the help, really, I do."

Hoseok nudged his side with his foot and Jimin squirmed away. "But?"

"But it's still just the first lesson, hyung!" Jimin said, huffing out a breath. "Please cut me some slack."

Suddenly, Hoseok's harsh demeanour softened and he shuffled closer to gently pat Jimin's hair. The younger looked up, straining his neck slightly so he could peer into Hoseok's eyes.

"Sorry, Jimin-ah," the elder said, "is your knee flaring up again?"

Jimin shook his head. "It's one of my better days, actually."

"Good." Hoseok smiled and something about it made Jimin want to run as far away from the studio as he could. Bad knee and all. "Then you won't mind if we stay for another hour."

Jimin groaned and silently cursed the day he ever met Min Yoongi.


Just as Jimin reached up to grab a box that was sitting on the second shelf - the top shelf was left bare for various reasons - something in his back cracked and a surge of pain raced up his spine before collecting at the base of his neck. He hissed in pain as he clutched at his neck and lower back, doubling over as it intensified before slowly disappearing, leaving just a dull throb that made him slightly breathless.

"You okay, hyung?"

Jimin whirled around and almost lost his balance. Jungkook stood at the door, one hand on the handle and the other clutching a stack of manila folders.

Jimin straightened as best he could, ignoring the little spasm in his spine. "I'm fine," he said, "just slept wrong last night."

Jungkook narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips, but other than the slight twitch in his jaw, he didn't comment further. Instead, he turned his attention to the folders he held in his hand.

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