Chapter Six

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The club pulsed with an energy that Jimin had long forgotten the feeling of. Every inch of space was occupied by a body, dancing and swaying to the beat of the music being played through the speakers, the heavy bass reverberating in his bones. A drink had been shoved into his hand the moment he walked in, Hoseok's smiling face greeting him in the dim lighting of the club.

"Hey Jimin-ah! Glad you could make it," Hoseok said as he took a swig from his own drink.

Jimin forced out a smile in reply. "I couldn't really escape it. Kookie's been talking my ear off about it all week."

"Of course, he would," Hoseok laughed, "he hasn't shut up about it to me either."

They let the music fill the silence between them as Jimin sipped from his cup, the fruitiness of whatever alcohol Hoseok had ordered bursting onto his tongue. He hummed in appreciation as he felt his muscles relax, the alcohol travelling through his system and helping to ease his jittery nerves.

"Is Tae here yet?" he asked as his eyes roamed around the dance floor. "He said he'd meet me here since his classes let out before I could close the clinic."

Hoseok nodded. "Yeah, I remember seeing him around. Last time I saw him he was backstage with Kookie."

Jimin raised an eyebrow. "And how long ago was that?"

"Probably about two hours." Hoseok shrugged before placing his glass on a nearby table. "I can take you back there if you want."

Jimin finished off his drink and nodded, sticking close to Hoseok as he moved through the crowd. They had to stop a few times when some of the patrons recognised Hoseok's face and called his attention to them, taking a few minutes each time to talk and catch up. He introduced Jimin whenever he could, the younger replying with a smile and a quiet hello before they moved on.

The hall leading to the backstage area was much quieter than the main floor of the club, the music muted and Jimin breathed a sigh of relief. He could finally hear his own thoughts over the pounding of the bass in his head and could talk to Hoseok without screaming.

"You're pretty popular, hyung," Jimin said as he stepped up beside Hoseok.

Hosoek hummed. "Only 'cause they come to these competitions often. They're dancers themselves so they come here to find out who's hot right now."

"And you're what's hot?" Jimin scoffed, the amusement clear in his tone.

"Not me. My crew."

A large curtain hung at the end of the hallway, its thick, velvety material hiding what Jimin assumed was the backstage room. They were a few steps away when they heard Taehyung's deep voice yell something followed by Jungkook's panicked yelp. They exchanged a look before Hoseok threw the curtain open and Jimin was greeted by the sight of a slightly tipsy Taehyung being manhandled from the couch by Jungkook.

"The fuck?"

Jimin didn't curse often but when he did, it was usually because Taehyung was doing something he shouldn't be. Jungkook looked over to them when he heard Jimin's curse. He smiled wide as he deposited Taehyung on the couch, the same one he had been standing on previously.

Jimin followed Hoseok into the room, keeping his eyes trained on Taehyung as whispers broke out around him. He could feel the other occupants of the room eyeing him, watching as he made his way across the room. He didn't need to see Hoseok's face to know the elder was studying him as well.

"Tae," Jimin said as he folded his arms across his chest. "Are you drunk?"

Taehyung shook his head, his brown hair falling into his eyes. "Nope. Just a little tipsy. I haven't had enough yet to be drunk."

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