Chapter Ten

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The first thing Jimin saw when he woke up the next morning was the bright, boxy grin of his best friend. He promptly let out an ear-splitting scream while tumbling gracelessly from the bed.


Taehyung simply laughed as he pulled Jimin's blankets over himself. He leaned over the bed slightly and smiled even wider, his head propped up on one hand. "Good morning, my cute, little Jiminie."

Jimin's eyes narrowed into slits. "Seeing your face first thing in the morning is anything but good."

"Jiminie," Taehyung pouted, "you're so grumpy today."

Jimin rolled his eyes as he stood, rubbing at his lower back and wincing when his muscle spasmed in response. He looked over to the alarm clock sitting on the nightstand and blinked. He couldn't be reading that right. "Tae, why are you up so early?"

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked as he cocked his head to the side.

"The last time you were up this early, we were still in high school," Jimin deadpanned and rolled his eyes again when Taehyung stuck his tongue out of the side of his mouth, his cheeky grin back on display.

"Because we're finally gonna do something as a whole pack." Taehyung kicked the blankets away from him and rolled out of bed, sidestepping past Jimin to get to the door. "The others are already waiting downstairs, so you'd better hurry up and get changed."

"Really? Everyone?" Jimin asked excitedly.

He hadn't been able to spend much time with everyone else since Yoongi had demanded so much of his attention (not that he had any issues with that, honestly) so the prospect of being able to spend time with the others sent a trill of excitement down his spine.

"Yup," Taehyung replied, practically bouncing where he stood, "and put on your swimming trunks. Jin-hyung told me we'll be going to the river."

Jimin paused, half-turned towards his closet as Taehyung's words finally registered in his sleep addled brain. "There's a river nearby? Weird. I didn't see it on the map on the way here."

Taehyung giggled, sending a wide, toothy grin Jimin's way. "That's because it isn't."

Before Jimin could ask him more, Taehyung spun on his heel and ran back out of his room, shouting over his shoulder about keeping everyone else waiting. Jimin sighed but dutifully went about getting ready. He rummaged around in his closet for a minute, trying to remember where he put his swimming trunks in the first place before donning the shorts and grabbing his towel and hoddie. He didn't know how long they would spend at the river and didn't want to be caught in the cold without some sort of protection.

He debated about bringing a bag along with extra clothes in case he needed them, but chose not to in the end, fearing it would only weigh him down and be too bulky to carry. Taehyung had cryptically said the river wasn't close, and he didn't want anything hindering himself and the others if they had any hiking to do.

He didn't see any obvious trails either, so how they were going to get to where they needed to go, he had no idea about. There was only one road in and out of the cabin, and even then, there weren't any branching paths. But he supposed he would have to trust that they knew where they were going.

"Jiminie!" Taehyung yelled, his voice carrying all the way through the house, "you're so slow!"

Jimin scowled and grumbled to himself, but hurried up nonetheless. Yoongi was waiting for him, after all, and he hadn't seen the elder since the night before where they'd cuddled on the bed. Their kissing had turned slightly heated after a while, with Jimin's legs wrapped around Yoongi's slim hips and Yoongi's hands underneath his shirt, his large palms sliding over his warm skin. Jimin stopped his thoughts there before they got too far.

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