Chapter 13

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Isaiah POV

"Wow." I breathe. Meghan is standing in front of me in a purple dress. I can't help as my eyes travel up her tanned legs all the way to her green eyes. Those green eyes I could gaze into for hours. Those green eyes that are- that are questionably staring at the flowers in my hand. Oh right. I thrust the bouquet into her hands. "These are for you."

"Thanks?" She questions with her eyebrows furrowed. "Um, I'll go put these in a vase." She walks back into the apartment leaving the door open. "You can come in."

After entering the apartment and closing the door I stand there awkwardly not knowing what to do. I was thrilled last night when Meghan agreed to this date. I plan on spending the whole night proving to her that I can be a better boyfriend than I was in high school. After all these years I think I finally understand why she went to Jeremy. She always told me she never wanted to go on luxurious dates so I never took her on any, not that I could afford it- but that's not the point. The point is that I never tried to treat her how she deserved. I gave her what I thought she wanted, but maybe she wanted the opposite of what she said. Maybe she wanted those luxurious dates. So, no more sneaking into movie theaters and midnight picnics in the park. Tonight it's fine dining and a show at the opera house.

A tug on my pant leg pulls me from my thoughts. The baby Mia had with her at the diner last night is pulling himself up into a standing position. His chubby little hands reach for me and I bend to pull him up. "Hi there little guy."

Hearing a small gasp I look away from the baby to see a little girl with chestnut hair standing there looking at me, her dark eyes filled with fear. "Hi." I kneel down so I'm eye level with her and she takes a step away. Her eyes flicker between me and the baby, that's currently trying to shove his pacifier into my nose, before she runs away.

I stand back up and bounce the baby on my arm slightly. "That was weird. Is that your sister? Huh? You're not Mia's baby right?"

"What's wrong?" I hear Meghan ask from somewhere in the apartment. "Where are we going?"

Suddenly the little girl comes back. This time, pulling Meghan along with her. She still looks wide-eyes and terrified. Her skinny little finger suddenly points at me and she looks back at Meghan with tears in her eyes. Understanding floods Meghan's face and she walks toward me. Her arms are held out in front of her, silently requesting me to hand her the baby. Once she has him the girl relaxes slightly but still looks wearily at me.

"Zoey," Meghan walks over to her and kneels down. The girl- Zoey's eyes scan the baby frantically before they lock with Meghan's. "That guy is my friend, okay?" The word friend causes an odd feeling to bubble in my stomach. I don't want to be her friend. "His name is Isaiah." I give Zoey a gentle smile and small wave. "And he's really nice, I promise."

"Xander, where's Ryder?" Mia's worried voice rings through the apartment.


"Front door Mia." Meghan says standing up.

"What- oh." Mia's eyes meet mine. "Hi Isaiah."

"Hey Mia." I stretch my arm out and give her a sideways hug. Mia was always like the sister I never had, and I know she's been taking care of Meghan these past few years. Which, is why I'm able to overlook the fact that she broke my best friend's heart.

She pulls away from the hug and takes the baby from Meghan. "You guys better get going." She casts a meaningful glance to Meghan before walking away, Zoey trailing behind her.

"You ready?" I ask Meghan who's staring at the floor.

She nods and I hold out my hand which she hesitantly takes. Her hand is cold but at the same time, it burns my skin. I've missed her touch. I've missed the way her hand rests in mine. I've missed everything about her. The walk to my truck is silent and I don't dare speak. If I start talking now she might change her mind about this date. After helping her into my truck and getting in myself, I start it and pull out of the spot.

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