Chapter 26

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"Girl." My best friend mutters.

"My baby is going to be a boy Mia." I tell her as we walk into he hospital. "I have a feeling."

"But I want a girl!" She whines.

"Well, the baby's a boy." I press the elevator's up button.

"Hey Isaiah!" She says and I tense. She waves and smiles at someone behind me. I turn and see Isiah walking towards us.

"Hey," He looks at me. "Do you have an appointment with Doctor Kingsley?"

"Yes, we do." Mia says excitedly. "Meghan's learning the baby's sex today. She's been putting of finding out for weeks."

This is true, but I've had my reasons. "I was waiting for you to be off work."

"Isaiah!" Mia shouts like she's just had a brilliant idea. He winces because of how close he's standing to her. "You should come with us! Meghan's been wanting her friends waiting so her friends could be with her." The way she says friends makes me roll my eyes.

The elevator door opens and Isaiah looks me, silently asking permission.

"You're welcome to come up." I tell him, stepping onto the elevator. "I've already had my monthly check so it's just the gender reveal."

"Awesome," Isaiah and Mia follow me onto the elevator and Mia presses the button for the third floor. "I've always felt like that was the most exciting appointment."

When we get to the maternity floor the young receptionist shows us to a room and lets us know Doctor Kingsley will be there soon. She eyes linger on Isaiah I little too long before she walks out of the room, closing the door.

The three of us fall into an awkward silence. Mia is the one to break it first.

"So, Isaiah, is your vote for a boy or girl? Meg thinks it's a boy but I think it's a girl because she's so small."

"Well," He says. "I was a small baby when I was born. Not that- I mean-" He clears his throat as the tips of his ears turn red. "I'm just saying baby boys can be small."

"Righhhht..." Mia says dragging out the word. "I gotta pee!" She jumps out of her seat next to me and walks out of the room.

A few seconds later my phone chimes with with a simple two word text.

Tell him!!!

'What is wrong with her?!?' My mind screams.

"So," Isaiah takes the seat Mia was sitting in and nudges my shoulder. "How have you been feeling?"

"Good." I look down at my hands. "You?"

"I've been good." He starts rubbing his hands together; something he used to do when he was nervous. We again fall into an awkward silence. The only sound in the room is the clock hanging in the wall. My mind wanders to what it would be like if Isaiah knew this was his baby. What it would be like if he wanted it. Would we be talking and laughing? Nervous? Arguing over the gender? I can see us laughing as he talks to my stomach in a squeaky baby voice.

Doctor Kingsley comes into the room breaking my thoughts.

"Isaiah," Doctor Kingsley smiles as Isaiah stands. "What are you doing on this floor?"

"Your patient and I are good friends."

Friends... The image I had just conjured in my head shatters.

"Meghan, you're looking a little pale." Doctor Kingsley looks concerned. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine. I mean great! Good."

"She's just nervous about the appointment." Mia suddenly comes into the room. "She's eager to be wrong."

"Well," Doctor Kingsley laughs. "Let's get you on the exam table."

Isaiah helps me out of my seat and onto the table.

"Thanks." I slide my hand out of his.


"Let's get your shirt rolled up." Doctor Kingsley puts on a pair of exam gloves. I roll my shirt up and glance at Isaiah- his head is down.

"Cold." Doctor Kingsley warns before squirting cold blue gel onto my stomach.

Moments later the baby's steady heartbeat fills the room and Isaiah's head snaps up.

"There's baby." Doctor Kingsley turns the screen towards us and looks at me. "Are you ready to know baby's sex?"

"Yes." I whisper reaching out for Mia's hand. Instead of her cold, dainty hand, a rough warm one grabs mine. I don't meet Isaiah's eye; instead, I glare at Mia who's suddenly found her finger nail interesting.

"Do you see that there?" Doctor Kingsley points at the screen.

"Mother's intuition." I whisper in awe.

"Traitor." Mia mumbles.

"As you can see it's definitely a boy."

"Baby Carter." Mia says. "You were supposed to me baby Leah."

Isaiah, looking flustered, suddenly yanks his hand out of mine.

"Congratulations Meghan."

Is all he says before walking out, taking my happy moment with him.


Beautiful new cover by QueenOfHearts416! Thank you so much lady!!! 🖤

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