Isaiah's POV- NYU

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"My scholarship almost got pulled. Then Cameron and I got into a fight, and he literally beat some sense into me."

-Isaiah, Chapter 14

"Mr. James, he simply cannot go on like this." I hear a voice say in the darkness. "He's wasted almost a whole semester in this drunken lifestyle of his. The board of directors will not wait any longer, he must show signs of improvement, or he will lose his scholarship."

"Come on," Cameron sighs. "I'll just up my family's donation."

No! I want to shout, but for some reason, my mouth won't move, and my eyes remained closed. Cameron knows I don't like him throwing his name around for me. Let them take my scholarship; I couldn't give a shit.

"You family's name can only get him so far. He's on a basketball scholarship and hasn't even shown up to one practice. This is the end of the line for him if he doesn't get his act together. Quickly."

Get my act together. My mushed mind mocks my advisor.

"Let's not forget the fact he's killing himself."

Good, let me die.

"Thank you, Mr. Winestock, he'll be ready for practice Monday."

Like hell I will! I haven't gone to a single practice all semester, and I'm not gonna start now.

Footsteps start and voices fade as my mind gives into darkness.

I wake up hours later, my head feeling as if it's being beaten by drums.

When my eyes finally focus, I see Cameron sitting on a chair in the corner of my room.

"Good," He says, standing. "You're up." Walking towards me, he hands me two blue pills and a water bottle.

Not taking the water, I swallow the two pills dry, cringing when the action causes the room to start spinning.

When I open my eyes again, Cameron is holding a plate of eggs. "When you're able to stand without vomiting, we're going to the gym."

"Nah." I say after swallowing a bite.

"'Nah' isn't an option."

"Dude," I groan. "I'm not in the mood to do this." I reach under my bed for a bottle a whiskey, but can't find it.

"It's not there."

"Where the fuck is it?" Rage builds in inside of me, as I jump from my bed. The entire room spins and I sit back down, groaning.

"Dumped down the sink." He says bluntly, and I'm about to rip him to shreds.

Slowly standing, I stumble towards the kitchen. Every bottle of alcohol in the house is sitting on the counter, empty.

"Cameron," I spit through gritted teeth. "That was hundreds of dollars of alcohol."

"I'll reimburse you." He shrugs, pissing me off even more.

"I don't want your damn money!" I shout. "I want my whiskey!"

"No more alcohol Isaiah. You're gonna kill yourself."

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