Chapter 21

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"I just wanted a nap!" I whine as I open the front door. Cameron stands there with a sheepish smile on his face.

"Bad time?"

"No," I shake my head and open the door wider. "Come on in."

"Thanks." He mutters, walking in and closing the door.

His eyes wander around the the apartment for a moment before I clear my throat.

"Thank you for the dress." When I went to pay for my bridesmaid dress yesterday Melanie informed me that Cameron had already paid for mine.

He nods and we're back to silence.

"I'm sorry." He blurts. "What I said... I was just irritated and I took it out on you."

I search his face and all I see is honesty.

"It's okay Cameron." I smile at him and he sighs in relief.

"So were good?" He stretches his arms out.

"Yeah, we're good." I give him a hug and when I pull away he glances at my stomach which is sporting a small bump.

"Do you know what it is yet?"

"Not that far yet."

"So," Cameron purses his lips. "the father is?" He lets his sentence hang and I choke on air.

Did Isaiah seriously not tell him? My mind races as to what to say. Obviously the guys aren't as close as they used to be.

"Not involved." I blurt. Apparently Isaiah wants to keep the baby a secret, my heart clenches and I rapidly blink away tears.

Cameron opens his mouth to respond and his eyes focus on something behind me.

A small smile forms on his lips and I turn to find find it's Salem he's staring at.

"Amelia kept him?" He walks past me and crouches down to let Salem sniff his hand.

Salem, who doesn't usually like new people, immediately rubs against Cameron's hand.

"Um, yeah." I guess he somehow knows Ryan got Mia a cat for graduation. "I mean, it wasn't like she she was gonna throw him out because she and Ryan broke up."

His eyebrows furrow. "What?"

"Ryan got Salem for Mia the day after graduation?"

"Okay, cookie dough for you and mint for me."  Mia hands a tub of ice cream to me, then jumps onto the bed.

"Mmm, thank you."

"And our Gossip Girl marathon starts now, at season one, episode -."

The doorbell rings cutting Mia off.

"Don't worry," She notices my panicked expression. "Johnathan has strict orders not to let Isaiah know you're here."

"You're the best." I whisper and she smirks.

"I know."

"Mia!" We hear Johnathan yell. "Someone's at the door for you!"

"Who?!" She shouts back, which doesn't help the headache I have from cry all night.

"I have no idea!"

She glances at me. "At least it's not Isaiah. I'll be right back." She takes a monstrous bite of ice cream then runs out of the room.

Five minutes later Johnathan comes into the room.

"So, some guy named Ryan just showed up, Mia said to tell you she'll be back as fast as possible."

Ryan's been making passes at Mia for awhile... I glance at my phone and wonder if I should text Cameron to hurry up with his big gesture.

"Oh, okay, thanks."

"Yeah," he nods and walks out of the room then turns back around. "Okay, I have to ask, who the hell is Ryan?!"

I snort. "No one to be worried about." I assure him. "She likes Cameron."

"Good, Cameron's good." He nods and walks into the room sitting next to me on the bed. "He is right?"

"I think so..." I sigh thinking about Isaiah.

"Good." He grabs Mia's ice cream that's started to melt. "Well, Mia won't be needing this." He gets comfortable on the bed. "So what are we watching?"

Over an hour later Mia comes back holding a tiny black kitten.

"Oh my-"

"I know!" She cuts me off, squealing. "Ryan took me to the park up the street, he told me he liked me, kissed me, then when he got back gave me this adorable little thing." She places the kitten on the bed. "He asked me to be his girlfriend..."

"What did you say? Didn't you just tell me you liked Cameron?"

"I told him I'd think about it. I think I should talk to Cameron first, he's been acting weird lately."

"Definitely, yeah, talk to Cameron." Perfect push to get him to make his grand gesture. Letting him know someone else is interested.

"What do you mean, 'Ryan got him for Mia'?" His voice is tight and his eyebrows are furrowed.


"No," He laughs, but it's not a humorous one. It an angry, dry laugh. "The day after you two graduated I wrote her a letter and dropped it off with this cat." He continues to scratch Salem behind the ears.

"A letter? Like a love letter?"

"Love letter?" He snorts. "I guess."

"Cameron, why didn't you tell her?"

He stands, dusting off his suit. "She chose Ryan."

"No Cameron, she didn't. She-"

"I have a meeting I have to get to Meghan." He starts walking toward the door. "We're good right?"

"Yes, but Cameron, wait." I grab his arm and stop him from opening the door.

He gently pulls his arm out of my grasp. "Meghan, I don't come here to talk about Amelia. Tell her I said hi, okay?" He opens the door and walks out before I can say another word.

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And if you haven't already, go check out the prologue to my other book "When the Contract Ends"


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