Chapter 2

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(Picture of Henry)

Chapter 2


The car stopped in front of the Six Club where me and James were twice if I remember correctly. There is nothing special about this club, just like the other rich club for spoiled millionares who don't know what to do with their free time. Boring. The chauffeur opened our door and we walked to the street full of paparazzi. Great, another story about "The Party Prince". My father will love this.

 I don't like to go clubbing. I promised James I will accompany him to the club, so he can get hooked with some girls.He is my best friend since we were kids. Actualy since I can remember. He always has my back and he proved me many times I can trust him even with my life.

Apparently he has more luck in getting hooked when I am with him then when he is alone. Although every time we leave the clubs the paparazzi take pictures with the ladies we are leaving with so I have a mark of a womanizer. Only me and James knows I always leave them with him. I don 't have intention of getting out with somebody who is with me only because I am prince and they were always dreaming of becoming a princess. I burned myself already before and I don't intend to get hurt anymore. I will not. We walked into the club and we were seated at the best table in there.  We had the best view on the dance floor and on the bar, but people could not see us clearly, which was very convenient. 

"Good evening and welcome to the Six club. I am Annie and I will be your hostess for tonight. What can I get you?" Young blonde hostess introduced herself excitedly paying her attention mostly on me. Is she trying to flirt with me? 

"I'll have the best scotch you have. Thank you." I said to her. 

"I will have the same." James replied. She wrote it down into her notes and hesitantly walked away.

"So what do you think? Did you find something nice already?" James was looking around the dance floor smiling excitedly and looking forward for his future new booty as he called them.

"Come on James you know I don't even want to be here. You know the reason why I'm doing this. "I said to him with annoyance.

"That doesn't mean you can't have fun." he said as he wrapped his hand around my shoulder. "And Henry, YOU are going to have FUN tonight. I promise." He smirked at me.  

"Besides, you need to loosen up. You have been working pretty hard these last months. Fundraisers, the public appearances and the army, you are the hardest working royal in your family. So just relax and have a little fun tonight. I will find you someone so you can get laid finally. How long has it been?" He asked me and I didn't answered to him. "Well maybe they will throw themselves in front of your knees willingly. You are like a magnet to them."  he laughed.

Then he looked into the crowd on the dance floor again and I followed his look. Ladies were watching our table even though they couldn't see us properly.

"Just let it go James, okay? We will do the same as always." I replied.

"I know, I know, I know. This is only your revenge." He raised his hands. 

After one hour and a half of talking to some kind of girl who was talking only about herself and that she can't believe how lucky she is that she met me tonight, I couldn't stand it any longer and excused myself. I think I  will leave tonight early. As I walked my way to the bathroom somebody bounced into me. 

"Oh, sorry."  I heard a soft voice that caught my attention. I turned around and I saw a back of a hostess that continued in her job as nothing happened.  Actually nothing happened she didn't spill any drink on me, but I couldn't help to stare at her.  I didn't see her face but her body and smell. Wow. Her small frame was shaped so perfectly. She had beautiful long rich brown hair loosened on her back.  Bloody hell her body was like from some kind of picture. Then she turned around and I saw her stunning big brown eyes with rich eyelashes and beautiful big smile. I stood there frozen. Does love at first sight really exist? I watched her way around as she was walking with a tray full of drinks and empty glasses. Although she smiled at the customers she didn't seem comfortable with them as they acted like they wanted their way with her. I don't blame them. She even looked like she didn't belong here. I don't remember seeing her here before. She must be new. I would definitely noticed her if she was here before.

"Hey playboy." I heard James's voice behind me.

"I thought you wanted to disappear but I see you already have a target." he whispered to me as he took a sip from his scotch.

"What?" I woke up from my frozen position.

"Come on. I can see what you see. Nice legs, sexy butt, body like a supermodel and ..."

"Stop" I interrupted him. 

"Aaaah. Ok. Go for her." he nudged me.

"No." I said.

"Gooo. Or I will." he pushed me.

"Ok. I'm going, I'm going." I said as I really didn't want him to go after her. That would hount me for the rest of my life.

I started to walk to her. What if she is just like the others? She sees me and goes ballistic at me. I watched her nervous smile and heard a beautiful laugh while she was taking orders. No.  I can't talk to her. I finally came near her. I opened my mouth and wanted to say something. But I just stood there frozen again and just watched her like some kind of creep.

"You have got to be kidding me." James came to me and laughed.

"What are you doing? Don't tell me that you are afraid to ask some girl to have a drink with you?" He asked me amused.

"Let's get out of here." I said to him as I turned around and started to walk away.

"No. Come on Henry. You are a confident young man. Talk to her." he persisted.

He grabbed my arm and draged me to the bar where she was talking to the bartender. James reached his hand as he was looking at me but in that instant she leaned through the bar to take a glass and his hand ended up on her ass. As I was trying to stop his hand from what was going to happen I stepped in front of him. I couldn't stop it. It was like a blur when I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my cheek. As I recovered from the surprise of the slap I received I found myself starring into the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.

© rory256 2014 All Rights Reserved 

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