Chapter 15

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This is one of my favorite chapters so far. I hope you will like it.

Chapter 15

On Saturday early in the morning Henry picked me up in his usual borrowed car. This time he wasn't dressed in cover.  He wore just jeans and white shirt. He was standing next to the car and my heart started beating really fast when I saw him. Can anyone make someone feel this way after such short time knowing each other? I greeted him with long passionate kiss. I just wanted to grab his hand and take him upstairs.

He helped me to get my luggage into the trunk and we headed out of London. After two hour drive we drove through a small village which on the end of it we stopped in front of big house surrounded by green field and forest. There were no houses in display and privacy of the house was provided by huge old brick fence.  

"This is our secret family country house. When we want to have some privacy and don't want anyone to know where we are we come here. It belonged to my mother's family."  he said to me as we got out of the car and took our luggage from the trunk. He kissed me lightly on my lips and we entered the beautiful old building. When we came in I didn't expect to see modern design. There was a living room with open white kitchen and big kitchen bar. There was light wooden floor and white sofa. In the corner was huge fire place and in other corner was big white piano. The ceiling was made from light wood and it made a beautiful atmosphere.

"Emma redesigned the whole house. She said she couldn't came here and feel like in eighteenth century just like in palace. " Henry said as we put the luggage onto the floor. I came closer to the piano and brushed it with my hand. I always wanted to learn how to play.

"Who plays on the piano?" I asked him as he came closer behind me.

"Me." he said and I turned to look at him.

"Really?" I smiled and there was uncertainty in his expression.

"Will you play something for me?" I asked him but he didn't said anything. "Please?" I begged. He grimaced a little but then he nodded and slightly smiled.

"Yes I will. Later. But now I want to show you something else. Do you want to freshen up first?" He asked me.

"Yes that would be nice." I said as I remembered I had to go to the bathroom for almost an hour.

"And maybe you should put on something comfortable." he said. I went to change into jeans and cream sweater. When I freshened up a little bit and came out of the bathroom to the living room he came to me and wrapped his arms around my hips and kissed me passionately. His touch made me shiver every time and he left me wanting more. He took my hand kissed the knuckles as he was looking deeply into my eyes and led me to the back door. When we came out we stepped into beautiful garden. There was huge nicely cut green and few meters away were lots of flowers. There were lilies, roses and other flowers. It was beautiful.

"Judith our gardener is doing a great job." he smiled as he saw my expression.  We went through the garden and when we came to the fence there was gate hidden behind drawn flowers.

"Where are we going?" He looked at me with sheepish smile and I didn't even asked him again because I knew what his answer will be. We went through the fence gate and we were suddenly in the woods.

"This is incredible." I exclaimed and looked around.

"I thought you might like it." he said and we went through the woods following a little walk. We walked hand in hand for almost fifteen minutes and then we came to a lake. There was little wooden boat with paddles on the shore.

"Do you want a ride?" he asked me as he put his arms around my hips. I was staring into his beautiful blue eyes and I get lost in them. "We don't have to get on the water if you don't want to." he frowned.

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