Chapter 9

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(Picture of Eva)

Chapter 9

Henry's POV

When they were talking about Dr. Cruz I certainly didn't expect a petite young woman. And not even in my wildest dreams I wouldn't have imagined HER standing right in front of me in this hospital. Doctor Eva Cruz. A Doctor? Really? I was again looking at those beautiful surprised hazel eyes. I couldn't believe it. She is a Doctor? Then what was she doing in the club? I was wondering about that the whole time I was in the hospital room with her. When I remembered that I didn't even have to go here in first place. God you are giving me some kind of sign I think. I will have to thank Emma for this. I bet she will say that this is exactly why she sent me here.

And those sparks that spread through me when we touched. Well that never happened to me before. She must have felt it too. The entire time while she was explaining to me about Clark's heart surgery I couldn't take my eyes of her. God she was so beautiful even in the scrubs and white coat. So different from the one I saw in the club. It actually suits her. I bet everything suits her. Even when she concentrated when she was giving the little boy his infusion she looked hot.

I have to make sure Clark gets everything he needs. He is a very nice boy. Hopefully that European list will help. It kills me that I can't do anything else for him or other little patients in here. That is why I hate going to the hospitals. Hopefully at least my visit will distract them from their daily unfortunate routines.

 "But I don't think it will be possible. The journalists are aware of your attendance to accompany your father and grandfather. Your brother with his wife will be there too. And they saw you here already so there would be no excuse to not attend..." Charles was rambling as I informed him I will not attend the church. But then I realized that my father would make sure he wouldn't have his job anymore if I didn't attend. And I don't want him to lose his job. I like him. He always does what I ask him to and he is discreet about it. And I am obligated to attend the Church today. It is the 10th anniversary of my grandmother's death. Even Emma has to come even when Edward is home.

"All right. All right Charles. Calm down. I guess I will have to go." I told him so he could breathe a little.

"All right mate." I turned to Clark to say goodbye. "I will have to go now. It was really nice meeting you. Hopefully you will have a new heart soon."

 "Yeah, that would be great. Will you come to visit me sometime?" He looked at me with sad eyes. How can I resist? I certainly want to see him with his new heart and to see how he finally can enjoy his life. Maybe to distract him a little while he waits for the surgery.

"Sure. Why not?" I told him as he lightened up. "Great."

"Well I have to go too. Clark the nurse will come to check on you after a while ok?" Eva said and went to the door. Wait not yet. I am not ready to let her go yet.

 "Eva wait." What am I doing? She will certainly say no when I ask her out. Just do it. Do it.

"I just wanted to thank you for informing me about Clark's condition and that I will make sure that he will get into that list." I blurred something out. What?

"You don't have to thank me for that. I actually thank you for helping him. Good bye." 

"Bye." I told her disgusted by myself as I didn't got the courage to ask her out.

"I think she would say yes." I heard from the room when she closed the door behind her. I turned to Clark who was looking at me sheepishly and was shaking his head. Well what to say? Men knows.

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