Chapter 16

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(Picture of Emma and Edward)

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(Picture of Emma and Edward)

Chapter 16

"I can explain." I said in defeat as I knew she had no idea who I was. But thankfully in that moment Henry came in with some herbs in his hands. He stopped in the door taken aback. She looked at him and then at me with huge smile on her face.

"You are Eva." she said and quickly came to me. She surprised me with a hug. "Finally nice to meet you." she said as her companion was still standing in the same place.

"Wow you are beautiful. Henry told me that but I must admit you would make a great super model." she said and looked at Henry while I was still standing there speechless. I was surprised he told her about us. Then he came to me and wrapped his arm around my lower back.

"Eva this is my annoying sister Emma." he hissed sarcastically and she showed him her tongue which was little unusual for princess.

"Nice to meet you too." I finally said something.

"And that is her boyfriend Edward." he looked sharply at him and he came to us and greeted us.

"Nice to meet you Eva." he said as he put his arm around Emma's shoulders.

"What are you doing here by the way?" Henry asked them annoyed.

"Well apparently the exact same thing you two are doing." she looked at us and Henry frowned and scrolled his eyes. "Just relax a little bit. If you told me you were planning to come here I would have leave you some privacy." she said in her defense.

"Well now you know we are here so you can turn around and find some other place." he said.

"Are you kidding me?" she said shocked.

"Henry they can stay here. This house is big enough for all of us." I said as I didn't want them to leave only because we were here. I know he wanted some privacy but I wouldn't be very happy if somebody kicked me out after a long drive. He looked at me with his eyebrows raised.

"Really? But I wanted to have you for myself." he whispered and I frowned at him.

"Ok. You can stay here." he said disappointed and defeated.   

Emma and Edward took their luggage upstairs to their room and I went to put on something decent as I was still in Henrys shirt. Then I went to kitchen with Henry and he started to help me with the cooking. He was peeling the vegetables with me.

"And here I though you grew up with silver spoon in your mouth." I said to him as I could see this wasn't his first time peeling vegetables.

"I did actually." he laughed. "But I also liked to help our nanny with the food." he said proudly.

"Yes he did. But only because he always got some sweets as a reward." Emma said as she and Edward came to the kitchen.

"Like you didn't do the same thing." he said bitterly and I laughed.

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