Chapter 14

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(Picture of George)

Chapter 14

"Someone is radiant today." I met George in the hospital cafeteria for lunch. "Did you take my advice?" he asked me when he sat down behind my table. I smiled at him and nodded.  

"Finally." he raised his hands up in the air and looked to the ceiling.

"Now tell me everything." he leaned to me and I grimaced. We haven't seen each other for a week. He was doing night shifts. That week went really amazing. Me and Henry were out almost every night except the weekend because he was in Scotland because of royal duty. But when he was in London we spend almost every free night together and the good byes at the end of the night and separation started to get harder and harder. He doesn't rush me into anything, but when I was finally ready to invite him inside, I remembered Mia was at home.

 He surprised me every night with different cover outfit which made me always laugh out loud. One night he came like a rapper and the other like a hipster. He even had fake tattoos on his arms and every time he came for me he gave me one white rose. My favorite flower.

When we talk I feel like we know each other the whole life. Except I didn't told him about my problems in Spain and that bothers me very much. I hate lying to someone.

He talks a lot about his sister Emma and I have a feeling that I know her already. His brother is focusing on the royal duties and with his wife are expecting their first child. The public doesn't know what it will be, but he told me he is really excited to meet his new niece. She will be born in two months. He doesn't talk much about his father. Actually he doesn't talk about him at all.

"I don't know George. I don't want to talk about him much. I can just tell you I am feeling really happy." I smiled at him. I didn't tell anybody about us. Not even to Mia who by the way spends most of the time with her boyfriend or at work.

"Ok, all right. If you don't want to talk, don't talk. I am just happy that you are happy. Just tell me. Do I know him?" He asked and excitement was evident in his face. I hesitated.

"You don't know him personally." I finally said the most convenient true.

"Is it someone from the hospital?"

"No, he doesn't work here. And please don't ask me about him. I will not tell you a word."

"Please don't tell me you don't want to talk about him because he is married?" he looked at me seriously.

"God George. What do you think of me? I would never be with a married man. I can assure you he isn't married." I looked at him disgusted. "And please stop asking." I said and he frowned but raised his hands in defeat. 

"How is little Clark by the way? Do you have any news about the heart?" he asked me when he put a fork full of salad into his mouth.

"No. Nothing. But the chances for getting it quicker are bigger now. I guess it will not be long." I said.

"It was really nice from Prince Henry to arrange it to put him on the list that quickly. Oh I so wanted to meet him. He is so dreamy." I smiled. Oh he is.

"I read today that he is dating someone. Somebody saw him last week with a mystery woman in cafeteria. I guess it is serious because he wasn't seen with anybody anywhere except the clubs and now they don't even see him there anymore. " I looked at him as I almost spit out my water. Of course he wasn't in any club. Every night he spends with me.

"Well maybe it is just another fling?" I said

"I don't think so. It was written in the article that he broke camera of one of the paparazzi because he didn't want anyone to see them so she isn't recognized anywhere." He didn't broke it. He just took the memory card. He didn't even touched the camera it was David who took it. So this is how the tabloids work.  

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