Chapter Two: He came back

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Chapter Two: He came back


When the Tardis finally materialises in the garden, it was day and neither of the little girls were there. The Doctor stumbled out, steam billowing out with him.

"Amelia! Emily! Emily, I worked out what it was. I know what I was missing! You've got to get out of there!" He yelled, running up to the house and trying to sonic the door open.


"Amelia? Emily, are you all right? Are you there?"

He yelled again, running up to Emily's bedroom door.

"Prisoner Zero's here. Prisoner Zero is here! Prisoner Zero is here! Do you understand me? Prisoner Zero is-"

The Doctor cut off as the floorboards creak behind him. He turned around only to get knocked out by a cricket bat.

[Coma ward]

At the Royal Leadworth Hospital, a lady doctor and a male nurse marched into the ward.

"So. They all called out at once, that's what you're saying?" She demanded. "All of them. All the coma patients. You do understand that these people are all comatose, don't you? They can't speak."

The male nurse followed the lady doctor through the ward nervously, wringing his hands and glancing around at all the patients.

"Yes, Doctor Ramsden."

"Then why are you wasting my time?" She asked exasperatedly.

He wrung his hands again. "Because they called for you."

"Me." She said disbelievingly.

Right on time, one of the male coma patients called out in their sleep.


The nurse and doctor stared at the comatose man.

"Doctor. Doctor."

Another patient called out.

"Doctor. Doctor."

Now all of them were calling out.

"Doctor. Doctor. Doctor."

Suddenly, the nurses phone started ringing and he fumbled for it.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Rory, hey. Do you know where Em is? I've been trying to call her but she won't pick up."

It was Amy.

"Um, yeah, yeah. She said something about Mel? I don't know, she's probably at the police station. I think. Uh, yeah."

He was slightly distracted by the comatose patients that were still calling out. The doctor saw Rory on the phone and immediately ordered him to get off it.

"Get off that phone." She snapped. "This is no time to be planning out your weekend."

"Uh, right. Sorry Amy, I've got to go." Rory apologised.

"Yeah, alright. If you see or hear from Em, tell to get down here straight away."

"Okay. Wait, is everything alright? Like, are you okay? You sound a bit . . . flustered." He asked her, concerned.

"What? Oh, yeah yeah, I'm fine. Totally fine. See you later Rory. And remember, tell Em that I need her."

"Right, okay. L-"

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