Chapter Twenty Two: Sonic Toothbrush

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Chapter Twenty-Two: Sonic Toothbrush

[Aickman Road]

In the town of Colchester, it was a peaceful, blue-sky day. The Tardis materialised in a small park, just across the road from some groups of terraced houses.

Sticking his head out of the blue spaceship, the Doctor surveyed the area. "No, Amy, it's definitely not the fifth moon of Cindie Colesta."

"I think I can see a Ryman's." Emily said, standing on her toes to see over the Doctor's shoulder.

But before anyone could say anything more, there was a loud explosion, throwing the Doctor and Emily out of the Tardis and to the ground.

Feeling disorientated and confused, the youngest Pond watched in despair as the Tardis dematerialised.

"Amy!" The Doctor yelled. "Amy!"


"Doctor, do you even know where we're going?" Emily whined.


"Then where are you taking us?"

"No idea."

Emily glared at him as he walked cheerily down the road, apparently with no destination in mind. Knowing it was pointless to argue with him, she simply sighed and fell behind slightly.


"So, any new paintings?" The Doctor asked hesitantly.


"What is it?" He

"A portrait."

"Of who?" He prompted.

"Looks a bit like you actually." She replied tonelessly.

His posture straightened in excitement and he spun around, walking backwards so he could see her face. "Really?"



"Ah-ha!" The Doctor stopped and celebrated suddenly.

The pair had been walking in silence for the past fifteen minutes, one not speaking out of anger and the other because he was afraid of the consequences.

Emily groaned, not seeing anything worth celebrating. "What now?"

He softly turned her head to the paper shop next to them, proudly pointing at one of the ads.

"Emily, my dear, I think we've found our destination."

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