Chapter Twelve: Something smells fishy

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Chapter Twelve: Something smells fishy

[Throne room]

Venice, 1580. In a large, otherwise empty chamber, a woman sits on a throne under a canopy, with her son standing at her side. Her Steward leads in a man and his young daughter.

"Signora, your school offers a chance for betterment, escape. My daughter. Isabella is seventeen now, but what prospects are there for the daughter of a boat builder? There's no future for us. No future but you."

"I am moved by your concern for your daughter. I believe protecting the future of one's own is a sacred duty."

"Signora, she is my world."

She paused, feigning about making a decision.

"Then we will take your world." She said.

This makes Guido and his daughter extremely happy and they hug excitedly.

"I knew it." He said.

"Say goodbye to your daughter."

Guido looks up, surprised. "Now, signora?"

"Why wait? Time ticks."

"Be brave, my girl. Make me proud." He tells his daughter as the Steward escorts him out.

"Step into the light, my dear. That's it."

Rosanna and her son circle her.

"What say you, Francesco? Do you like her?"

"Oh, I do, Mother. I do."

Francesco opens his mouth wide to show his teeth. They are small and sharp, like a bat's. Isabella screams.


Rory was on the phone, trying to make himself heard above the noise of his stag party. All the participants are wearing red t-shirts with Rory's Stag on the back and a picture of Rory and Amy inside a heart on the front.

"Hey! It's me. Hello. How are you?"

He was talking to the answerphone.

"The reason for this call is because I haven't told you for seven hours that I love you, which is a scandal, and even if we weren't getting married tomorrow, I'd ask you to marry me anyway. Yes, I would, because you are smashing."

A giant pink cake is wheeled in to the tune 'The Stripper'.

"Oh. Oh. Oh, blimey. I've. I've, er got to go. I'll see you tomorrow."

His companions push Rory forward.

"Out. Out. Out." They all shout.

The Doctor bursts out of the fake cake and silence falls.

"Rory!" He shouts. "That's a relief. I thought I'd burst out of the wrong cake, again. That reminds me, there's a girl standing outside in a bikini. Could someone let her in and give her a jumper? Lucy? Lovely girl." He lowered his voice. "Diabetic. Now then, Rory. We need to talk about your fiance."

Rory smiled and sort of gestured to his tee shirt.

"She tried to kiss me." His smile drops. "Tell you what, though. You're a lucky man. She's a great kisser."

Someone drops his beer glass and it smashes on the floor.

The Doctor looked around awkwardly and seemed to realise what he said. "Funny how you can say something in your head and it sounds fine."

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