Chapter Six: Hate can be so strong

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Chapter Six: Hate can be so strong

[Map room]

In the War Rooms beneath Whitehall, an air raid siren is wailing. The WRACs and RAF are keeping track of fighter's positions on a tabletop grid.

"Can't we shut that ruddy thing up?" A soldier complained.

"If wishes were kisses." Another replied.

"Flight two advancing from Biggin Hill."

"Hostile thirty six, confirm please."

"Able Victor Charlie down."

"Twenty six and forty one detailed to intercept."

One of the women did a double take. "Forty one? That, that's Reg's squadron."

Prime Minister Winston Spencer Churchill enters, puffing on his trademark cigar.

"Sir." They salut.

"How many?" He asks gravely.

"Looks like a dozen Heinkel at least, sir, with Messerschmitts flanking."

"Out of range?"

"Normally, sir, yes."

"Well then, time to roll out the secret weapon."

Breen pushes a model Dalek onto the grid.

[Filing room]

The Tardis materialises in the filing room. A buzzer sounds in Churchill's office, and he smiles. The Doctor opens the Tardis doors to stare down the barrels of three Lee Enfield rifles, made in Britain, which move aside to reveal the PM.

"Amy? Emily?" He said. "Winston Churchill."

"Doctor. Is it you?" The PM asked.

"Oh, Winston, my old friend."

The Doctor goes in for a hug, but Churchill holds out his hand and beckons.

"Ah, every time."

"What's he after?" Emily asked.

"Tardis key, of course."

"Think of what I could achieve with your remarkable machine, Doctor." Churchill tried to convince him. "The lives that could be saved."

"Ah, doesn't work like that."

"Must I take it by force?" He said playfully.

Emily grins. "Now that, I'd love to see."

Churchill gives into a smile at her words. "At ease."

"You rang?" The Doctor asked.


"So you've changed your face again." Churchill said.

"Yeah, well, had a bit of work done."

"Got it, got it, got it. Cabinet War Rooms, right?" Amy exclaimed.

"Yep." The Doctor confirmed.

Emily looked like a little kid in a candy store. "Top secret heart of the War Office, right under London." She all but squealed.

The Doctor gave her a soft grin, admiring the way her face lite up about such a small thing.

"You're late, by the way." Churchill informed him.

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