Chapter 13

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(Y/n)'s POV

What was happening right now? Why...? Why did Soo Ho do that? Why did he just kiss me?

"(Y/n), I-"
"Am I that fun to tease? Huh? Is that it? Why...? Why are you always doing this to me?!"
"Wait, just listen to me-"
"Forget it."

I pushed past him and past the person who stood at the doorway. I didn't care who it was, they probably didn't care too.

I went outside, where most people had gathered after their day out. It was only the afternoon but I was pretty sure they'd go out later.

"Hey noona, where-"

I glanced at him before leaving. I wanted to be alone right now, I didn't want to talk to anyone. Why was Soo Ho always doing this to me?...

Soo Ho's POV

"Yah, why did you do that?" Ji Dwi asked as he stepped into the room.
"Why do you care? It's none of your business."
"Answer my question. Why did you do that?"
"Like I asked before, why do you care?! You said that you didn't like her so why do you care?!"
"Yah, that doesn't mean that I don't care about her!"
"Listen, I-"
"What's going on here?" Sun Woo asked.
"Tch, nothing."

I immediately left Hwarang House but was stopped by someone grabbing onto my arm.

"Soo Ho, at least explain yourself," exclaimed Ji Dwi.
"He's probably too embarrassed to admit his own feelings," Ban Ryu interrupted.
"What do you mean?" Sun Woo asked.
"Soo Ho, don't deny it. It was obvious in my point of view. You like her, don't you? Nobody likes her and try to avoid her but you like her so that's why you're afraid to admit it. You annoy her instead, am I right?" asked Ban Ryu.
"Well, it seems that she doesn't feel the same way. You better go apologise to her," said Sun Woo.

(Y/n)'s POV

I threw the pebble into the water, causing my reflection to disappear. I tried to hold back the tears but nothing seemed to go my way. Why...was I even treated this way? What did I do to deserve this?


Soo Ho sat beside me and handed me a handkerchief. I hesitantly grabbed it without looking at him.

"Listen, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking about how you'd feel, I was being selfish," he started.

I didn't say anything so he took this as a chance to continue.

" you, I've liked you for a long time but I didn't want to show it. Everyone...tries to avoid you so I didn't want to end up as a laughing stock for them..."
" you were embarrassed of liking me?"
"N-no, I-"
"*sigh* Just-...don't worry about it. I forgive you."
"Huh? What? Just like that?" he asked, a little surprised.
"Yeah, unless you want me to bear a grudge against you. I'm sorry but I can't return your feelings."
"It's fine, I never expected you to anyway."

He knelt down in front of me and held out his hand.

"Let's forget about this," he exclaimed with a grin.

I smiled and shook his hand but before he let go, I was pulled into the water.

"Yah, Kim Soo Ho!"
"Oi, I'm helping you here. You cried a lot so the water from the lake will give back your tears."
"What kind of weird logic is that?..."

~Some time later~

We were both walking back to Hwarang House, shivering because of our clothes, which were soaked from before.

"What happened to you two?" asked Hansung.

Sun Woo passed us a towel, which I gratefully took. Before I could stop myself, I sneezed probably like a million times. This, somehow, caused me to stumble backwards until someone steadied me.

"*sigh* You should take better care of yourself," exclaimed Ji Dwi.
"I-it's that g-guy's fault."

Soo Ho just smirked before taking his leave.


I had changed into dry clothes and was carefully brushing my hair, trying to get rid of all the knots.

"You shouldn't pull your hair like that. You're being too rough."

I turned around and almost jumped back out of shock because of how close Ji Dwi was to me. After my heartbeat finally slowed down, I took a deep breath.

"At least make some noise when you walk!"
"Let me help you," he said, completely ignoring my previous statement.

*pouts* He just smiled and sat behind me, gently brushing my hair.

"Did you hear? I heard that the princess is coming here tomorrow."
"Is something wrong? You sound...a little depressed."
"Everything's fine. Get some rest."
"I don't feel like sleeping. I'm hungry."

Instead of a reply, all I got was this thing falling on my back. Wait...did Ji Dwi fall asleep?! Ugh, why now? *sigh* I carefully turned around, and placed his head on my pillow. I took the brush and put it on the table while giving him a blanket.

I quietly left the room and closed the door. I wanted to sleep too after seeing him like that but I was too hungry.

After going to the kitchen, I tried to find something to eat but there were only raw vegetables. Well, it wasn't like I could make something now...

"You hungry?" asked Soo Ho.
"Huh? Y-yeah."
"Let's go get something then."

He left. Wait, was he buying?

"Yah, you better hurry up before I leave you!"
"Ah, right."

I quickly caught up to him and awkwardly followed him to town.

"What do you want?" he asked.
"Just that will do."
"Yah, you're eating a small piece of bread for dinner?"
"So what?"
"Listen, I know you're poor and all but I'm not. *sigh* I'll choose what we're eating."

I just laughed and agreed.

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