"I'll fly away": Jesse McCree X Reader

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It was a slow day at the base of Overwatch operations. The rock of Gibraltar to be more exact. The base was quiet. All you could hear was the sound of the wind whipping and the waves crashing against the cliff drop. I've been here since overwatch was re-formed. I'm a weapons-analyst. I'm also a part time overwatch agent. Which means I spend most of my time in the computer lab making sure everyones weapons are up to snuff. Keeping my team safe in other words. 

But even my job was slow today. I had tons of down time. I sat down at my desk, flicking a pencil across my many blueprints on the messy surface area. I sighed as I looked outside. The cliff face was dreary as ever. And it didn't help as it looked like a strong storm was going to make land fall soon. I sighed once more, rising from my seat. I drew my sweater to my shoulders and decided I needed to get some air before the storm came.

As I lazily paced down the empty halls with hands in my sweater pockets, I heard a sweet melody being hummed. One that I was familiar with. One that I held dear to my heart. I picked up my feet as the melody became louder with every step. The singing soon dragged me outside where I met the someone who was carrying the song so pleasantly. I gently opened the door to a roof patio. I can't say I was astounded, but I can't say I wasn't surprised either. There leaning at the balcony railing was Jesse McCree. Infamous outlaw, and sharpshooter. And most recently member of Overwatch. He stayed there for a moment without noticing I had intruded on his time of solitude. He looked out over the base grounds. Taking light drags from the cigar he had between his lips. His hat was within the grasp of his index and middle fingers. Making sure the violent wind wouldn't take it. He sighed, after taking a deep breath. He leisurely started humming again, putting his hand to his cheek and exhaled once more.

Amongst me watching the calm moment that Jesse had to himself, I decided to make myself known. As he started at the chorus again, I Added to it.

"'I'll fly away, oh glory I'll fly away, in the morning When I die, Hallelujah by and by I'll fly away,"

Me singing caught him off guard for sure, he tensed up. Tightening the grip on his hat. "I'm sorry,  I didn't know anyone was listen'n." He stated in a flustered response. I smiled at his honest nature. "No need to apologize to me, I'm the one to offer you an apology. I followed the sound of your voice up here." I sheepishly admitted. "Oh really?" He turned and gave a grin. I felt a rosiness find its way to my cheeks making them feel a soft burn against the cold wind of the coast. "Yeah. I grew up listening to that hymn. I love it. Its a part of me, if that makes sense." I replied taking a step back. McCree leaned against the railing once more, now putting a hand to his belt. "Well, now. Seems like you an' me have more in common then I thought Dollface." He smirked again. I smiled a little more brightly this time, making sure I made eye contact with him. "OH! I wanted to thank you for givin' peacemaker a good cleanin'. She needed it." He beamed. I gave soft hum in response. "It's my job Mr. McCree. Keeping my team running smoothly." I added as I walked to the railing noticing the storm had gotten closer in the time I had spent there. "Well I think you do it pretty well Darlin'. And theres no Mr. about my name. Just Jesse." He replied with his usual spunk and drawl.

McCree scratched the back of his neck trying to figure out how to keep the conversation from going into a lull. "So, uh. Do you, like coffee?" He blurted out. (Quite un-flirtatiously if that was even possible for him). I let out a tiny snicker to his response. He frowned thinking he had lost any chance with me. "I love coffee." I answered softly. The grin on his face came back and with almost more joy, and it radiated from his sunny face. "Well, If you don't mind. I'd love to get you some. Especially with this type of weather comin' in." he stated. "Then by all means lets go."

The rest of the day was spent in the kitchen. Him taking about his days as an outlaw and some of the trouble he got into as a teenager. I sat and listened to his lively voice.

Somewhere down the line of hearing him talk I couldn't help but think I had made the right choice of walking in on him singing that quite literally heavenly tune,

"I'll fly away."


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Hope this wasn't too cheesy. 😝

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