"New Hunter" Gabriel Van Helsing x OC

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Ok, I'm obsessed with Van helsings character from the 2004 film (Much less the events of the movie. But you get the picture.) ________________________________________________________________________________

The streets of London were damp, the full moon shone brightly on the collected water of the cobblestone streets and alley ways. Valentine had been tracking this guy for months. His murders and mind games with the police would soon come to a head if all went well tonight. She had a carriage of police ready to make the arrest, and she was the bait. Valentine fanned herself in the tight velvet blue dress that she had been given for the stake out. Even though it had rained, the humidity was making this assignment  VERY uncomfortable. A man with a top hat and trench coat came down the alley. His leather boots clicking against the street, the sound bouncing off the buildings, making it harder to tell how close or far he was. She gave a hand signal to one of the eyes she had in a window across the street from her. The man in the window watched closer, hand on his rife ready to shoot the serial killer if the need arose. A shadowy figure came round the bend. His top hat further hiding his face. "Are you Miss Yellowbloom?" A breathy and deep voice asked. Valentine started acting her part. "Aye, that is I sir. Might I say, you look mighty worn from todays walk. Should we, retire for the night?" Her natural scottish accent adding to the character of Miss Yellowbloom as the mans arm came around her. "That would be most pleasing Miss Yellowbloom. I've been in need of some company as of late." His smile glowed a faint green in the gas lamps of the streets. The man was vile, evil seemed to drip off of him like an ooze. "Aye, I'm sure you have. I have a room at the shepherds head inn. Would you walk me there?" Her lips curving into a flirtatious smile. The Mans smile became wider and he offered his arm to her. She could see a rather large curved knife on the other side of his person. "I've Got you now Jack." She thought as she strode down the empty street with the dark man.

They rounded the corner of the inn. The man grabbed her arm with harsh strength as he put his other arm other her mouth, dragging her into the alleyway. "We've definitely got you now."   She grinned under his dirty hand. He could feel it. "So you like to play it dirty huh? Maybe I will have some fun with you before I gut you. Not many others can say that. In fact none of them can!" The man laughed out the last bit. Valentine reached up to her hair with her free hand, pulling out a hair pin that was dagger. She brought the dagger down, stabbing the man in the chest. The stab however, did not kill him. "Oh, So you think a simple stab will kill Jack the ripper do you?" He pulled out the blade, licking the blood when he brought it up to his lips. Valentine's face contorted at the gruesome scene. "No. I never intended to kill you ripper. I plan to detain you." She smirked as she watched his own smile disappear. "You think you're some kind of bobbie? You don't look it!" He drew the long serrated blade, hardly qualifying as a knife anymore. Her eyes widened. Pulling out a miniature firearm from her corset. "Don't take another step!" She barked, determined to hold her ground. The ripper let out blood chilling laugh, his eyes glowing a pumpkin orange in the black alleyway. Valentine swallowed harshly, she tried to move out of the way but she couldn't, her feet were trapping her where she was. "H-how?" She quickly glanced to her feet, then back to the man that was slowly stocking towards her. "Blessed by the one down below ya' see. I get him the souls of pretty little ladies like yourself, and I live on this earth forever doin' what I loves' most." The blade came to her neck, the points on the harshly constructed blade, almost pricking her skin. The man took the gun from her hand throwing it to the side. He came to her ear, she could feel his rancid hot breath on her neck. "Now... Shall we get to the main event." He shifted his gaze to her chest. Her eyes widened in fright. She didn't even know she had let out a scream until he had covered her mouth and pushed her up against the grimy brick wall. "For that little stunt, I'll make it last longer." He lips now touching her skin. A tear threatened to roll down her cheek, she shut her eyes tightly as she waited for his next dirty move. His hand began to slowly trail down her waist.

"Y'know, I've worked with a lot of women in my day, and to my memory none of them much like being handled like that." The rippers face whipped around to see a shady figure leaning against the wall at the end of the alley. The brim of his hat hiding a good amount of his face. "Why don't you just bugger off and mind your own business?" The murderer spat, still holding the knife to Valentines throat. The mysterious man had distracted the ripper long enough for Valentine to kick him between the legs. She dove for her miniature gun and shot the ripper in the knee, causing him to fall to the ground in pain. A grin from the man in the hat could almost be seen as he came closer to Valentine, who had kicked the knife away from killers hands and was now tying him up, waiting for the police carriage to find her. "I must say I'm impressed miss?" The man asked. "Valentine Amulet, and thank you. I was a bit worried this case would take a little more from me than I intended. As you could probably make out." She motioned over to the killer. "I can see that." The figure came into the light. He had a thick stubble yet not quite a beard, his hair fell down to his shoulders. He had two pistols at his hips, and a crossbow slung across his back. "You, are not in fact Mr. Van Helsing. Are you?" She turned her head. Valentines Scottish accent lacing her words, making his grin widen. "I am in fact. I suppose a wardrobe change is in order." He glanced down at his clothes. "And please, drop the Mr; Call me Gabriel." His smile turned to a chuckle as he took her hand in his, bowing slightly. "Its nice to finally meet you Gabriel. The holy order have told many thrilling tales about you." His face quickly changed to confusion. "How-" She smirked. "I'm a new hunter of the holy order. My first official assignment was to track down and detain Jack the ripper. It seems you helped quite a bit in this endeavor. Maybe I should request we work a little more closely together." She winked playfully. Making Van helsing in return, smirk. He liked where this was heading.


I may make a sequel to this since I like how this turned out. Or it may turn into a full fic. Time will tell.

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