Kiss Him

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"No can have my wine" Chuuya started to take out a black aura.

Everyone shivered ecxept the one the only,Dazai.

"Eep!" Saihara, after witnessing Chuuya punched Dazai and sent him flying, stepped in front of Ouma. "P-please calm down.." He made sure that Ouma was behind of him so Chuuya would have difficulties of punching him.

"Now now, Chuuya. You need to hold your temper or you'll get shorter!" Dazai laughs. Chuuya hates it he try his best to ignore Dazai.

"You! Saiha...whatever! I command you to get out from my way! I will murder that purple thing!" Chuuya was eager that Ouma's face getting purple as his hair.

Ouma really took a clean note not to make funny of Chuuya's wine or maybe Chuuya.

Ouma is still Ouma after all.
As Ouma saw Dazai walking through the street holding his left arm that is hurt from Chuuya's punch.

"Dazaiiii your girlfriend want to murder me and my Saihara-chan!!"

Saihara was starting to get really scared, but, he couldn't just get Ouma be hit. He'll just have to calm him down. "No." Saihara said in a stern voice, his golden orbs piercing, like an eagle's. Sharp, and calm. "I won't move out of the way."

Dazai was just watching, amused by Saihara's courage to stand ahead of the hot head. Ouma, seemingly took that as a chance, he shouted that. Making Chuuya paralyze.

"Oh, really?" Dazai laughed harder "oh gee, Chuuya, he called you my girlfriend! He totally sees what's going on!"

"What the hell?! He's not my boyfriend and I'm a man! You really wanted to die with my own eye huh?!!!" Chuuya getting angry more and more he need to control him self before he killed one of them he try to a deep breath while Dazai smile beside him.

Dazai thougt everything would be fine now, but his expectation is totally wrong just when Ouma said something that is not Ouma fault though but still he said the wrong thing.

"'re a man? I..i thought you're a girl with a flat chest..I was wrong then." Ouma were shocked he thought Chuuya was a girl all this time it's make him confuse because Chuuya voice were high pitch while they're fighting back then.

Dazai shivered fon the first time that day as he looked at Chuuya.

Chuuya was eagerly eager.

Dazai know he need to do something. Chuuya step fowards to the other two. "You corpse...."

Saihara and Ouma froze but were shocked when Dazai suddenly kissed Chuuya in front of them in front of the public. Everyone was watching them.

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