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Before I start, I want to thank everyone so much for reading my crappy story for so long. It means the world to me so THANK YOU EVERY ONE OF YOU!! SILENT  READERS AND THOSE WHO ACTIVLY COMMENT AND VOTE!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!  I was writing and I wondered why I didn't give up again. Then I realized it was you guys. There are 5 people in particular that I want to thank personally for reading this story this far:



KJStarLace (Thank you for bothering to comment on the chapters that didn't deserve to even be read)



THere are others (not much cause my story sucks...) but these people commented more than once and voted for this sucky story. To show my thanks, the next chapters will be dedicated to you guys!!!!!!

So, now let's get to the story! (Oh yeah and enjoy the torture of Friday on the side! I am devious....  >.<' not)


A couple of weeks later, I was training at training grounds 66 again.

"DAMN YOU LLAMAS!! FLIPPING PANCAKES ARE BETTER THAN YOUR WORTHLESS FRYING PAN!!!!!" I screamed jumped away from my clone as it nearly hit me. I kicked away my clone at last.  Fighting was hard when I had to hold back my power. Really hard....

"TEA!" I screamed and threw something at a tree, not sure what it was or where it went. Angrily, I stormed off to a tea house to ge the said drink.

When I arrived there, I ordered a nice milk tea and some cookies. I loooooovvvvvveeeee meh cookies.:3 



Ice cream......


Cake..... NO CAKE IS A FRIKING LIE!!!! ;0; NNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Only then did I realize that I had said all of this out loud. "It's a lie cause I ate it." I glared at them all. Most sighed and turned away, other \s glared and someone muttered "Tuesdays..."

"Better than Friday! CAUSE IT'S FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY!" I sceramed and sat down immedieatly. Everyone looked at me funny. I must really be something if I could hold the attention of the whole place. Geesh...

"Whatta ya want?" I growled. Forgot I was bi-polar? They turned away at that. Now that I was no longer ADHD, I sensed a chakra that I could never forget.

I remained calm until it and it's partner left the tea house. They had deintly noticed my here. What were they..... my brother. I threw down money on the table and lef twithout eating. There was no time to waste. I had to stop them at all costs.

Running after them was no problem, even if they did hide their chakara after they noticed me. He couldn't hide his sword's oresnece and I could smell them from 50 miles away. I don''t care about the phrase. It's almost the truth.

As I was tracking them, they met up with some other chakar signatures... Kakashi, Kurieni and Asuma. Goddammit. This could be trouble.... for everyone.

"LEAVE THEM ALONE!" I kicked Itachi away as he atttacked Kakashi. I skidded to a stop. My subconsius remembered when I wouldn't stop skidding and I had to buy new shoes. But that was'nt dominant.

"Kunashi? Get away! HE'S-"Kakashi tried warning me. He thinks that just cause I grew up in a forest means that I don't know them.

"Itachi Uchiha. Killed his own clan, S-rank criminal. I know." I stood up, solemn.

"What?" he asked me.

"You don't know?" I glared at Kiamese. He smirked with that damn tooth sticking out. Then again, it stuck out for me too........MINE WAS A FANG SO GET OVER IT!!!!

'Shut it." I growled and tried kicking him in the side. He bloced it like so many times before when we used to spar together. Knowing him, I ducked underneath him and mangaed to use my small stature to my advantage. I slid under his cloak and managed to kick his back.

"Watch out for his sword, it absorbs chakara.He's Kiamese Hoshigaki, formermist one of the seven swordsman of mist." I told the leaf jonin.

"How do you know this?" KAkashi's voice was steely.

"SImple, she was once known as Kami, the girl who could bend space and time to her will. Amazing speed, intellegence and creativity. None could beat her. Most importantly... " Kiasmese spoke up. I gritted my teeth as the final part came  " a former Akatsuki member." I could feel the glares that came from the leaf jonin.

"Is this true?" Kakashi asked coldy. I lowered my head.

Kurinie came to my defense. "Kakashi-"

"...yes."I interrupted her.  With that... I attacked Kiamese. 

"Frozen in Time." I thrust out my hands and Kiamese was trapped in my jutsu, frozen in time. Itachi managed to escape it though. I darted behind the frozen shark-man and kicked him far away. 

"I'll finish you later." I told him coldy and attacked Itachi, disorting the space around his eyes so I wouldn't gt trapped in gengitsu. It was too easy, his neck against a kunai.

"It's time to die." I drew blood.... but couldn't find it in myself to kill him. With a hand trembling, I attacked him on his arm instead. 

"So....you can't kill me. Good to know."  Kiamese, we're retreating for now." and they left. I could've stopped them, but I didn't have the heart to attack my former friends again.

Silnece envelopped the clearing as I stood there. Kakashi and the others waited on the other side, hesitant as to what to do.

When Kakashi pulled out a weapon, my heart clunched more than it should of. Have I really gotten that attached to these people?

"I'm sorry, I can't be taken here, my new dream has to go on." I whipered just loud enough for him to hear. And then, I left for my house in the forest.


SO kunashi was part of the Akatsuki?!?!?!? WHo would've guessed. And why was she there? Meh, you'll find out soon enough.....

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