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Bang bang bang!
As soon as the sound hit my ears I was up in a cold sweat. Pounding headache, upset stomach, aching hands and stingy wrists.
I threw on my black sweater before pulling the door open.
"Rent." Chad said smiling.
Quickly smiling back, I grabbed my wallet and pulled out five hundred dollars, and slapped it into his hand.
"Thank you." He said smiling before walking off.
I raced over to the bathroom and hopped into the shower.
This was a great place to calm down... The warm water ran down my body as I quickly washed the stench off, then hopped out.
I blow dried my hair and towelled my body dry before throwing on some clothes.
Then exited my room, locking the door behind me, walked across the hall and clicked the button to open the elevator doors, then I stepped in, and just as the doors were about to close, the guy that I hate the most, Mathew Berry, stepped into the elevator.
"Oh. Dexter. What is someone like you doing here, in a rich person's place?" He asked, cornering me against the wall.
"I live here... you've known this." I said calmly.
He cocked his head.
"You? Have a lot of money? What the hell does your mom and dad do? Sell drugs? Sex? Are they some kind of-"
"Stop talking about them like that..." I said, my voice breaking as I looked up at him.
"Your breath smells like alcohol... and nicotine... and marijuana? Ohhh boy what have you been doing, little Mr.Perfect?" He chuckled in a stupid way before pushing me against the wall harshly.
"You are a piece of shit. You should be dead." He growled. I haven't seen him in a while.
"Just stop... we're done dude.... you're so dramatic." I said.
Mathew just snickered.
"Oh right. Ok." He laughed, flicking me in the forehead.
"Exactly.." I said quietly.
He just laughed.
"I will ruin your reputation."
I just sighed quietly.
"I didn't even do anythi-"
He slammed his fist into my eye.
I groaned in pain and he snickered, getting very close- I could smell alcohol on him this dumbfuck.
"I'll find a way." He said gripping the other side of my neck tightly.
I winced in pain and tried to pry his hand off.
"More reasons! You have a whole ass villain speech man!"
He just slammed me against the wall, bashing my head against it and I bit my lip trying not to cry out.
He slammed me against the wall over and over, his hands tightened around my neck harder and harder.
The doors dinged, and opened, but Mathew didn't notice.
"Woah! You guys sure are.... too close for comfort in a public elevator. Come on guys, take it to a bedroom." A frazzled man gasped, awkwardly looking around.
Mathew jumped away from me.
"Heh UHM I was just threatening him." Mathew said before running off out the elevator door.
I was breathing heavily. My neck hurt really bad... that prick...
I grabbed my bag and limped out.
I smiled at Chad before exiting the apartment complex.

As soon as I stepped on schoolgrounds, Alyk Michealis grabbed me harshly by the shoulders.
What is with people always grabbing me.
"Are you the guy that has a massive crush on me? That confessed on Sarahah?" He asked.
I shook my head.
"Why? So many people confess crushes on there." I asked.
He shrugged.
"I just am checking on all the boys... because I'm just hoping it's none of them... just hoping it's... Cookie. We've been close for years I've been wanting to ask him out for a while." He said blushing.
"Why'd you say my name?" Cookie asked walking up.
"Was it you who confessed on Sarahah?" He asked.
Cookie looked away.
Alyk cut him off by sweeping him into a hug.
"Good. I hoped so." He said, looking down at him.
Cookie grinned.
"Would you.... like to date?"
Alyk nodded.
I rolled my eyes and smiled.
"That's sweet." I laughed patting Cookie on the head before walking off.
I turned a corner and stopped short.
Mathew was talking with Julian, Ally, and Daysha.
I just stood quietly, not wanting to attract their attention.
Why are they talking to him? He's the biggest asshole out there- he's from our enemy school!
I sighed and walked off.
As I was walking past an empty space between two classrooms, which was walled in by trees, someone yanked me in.
"Hey Dexter."
It was Danita.
"Hi Danita. Why did yo-"
I was cut off by her slamming me up against a wall-which really fucking hurt- and pressing her lips against mine.
Her hands gripped my neckand back digging into my skin and she bit my lip. Really fucking hard.
I groaned in pain, but she seemed to take that as a moan.
She softly trailed a finger down my stomach, grabbing a place not made for her, and I pushed her off.
Nearby, the trees ruffled.
"Danita? DEXTER?!" It was Julian.
Danita looked up and I stepped away from the wall.
"Wh-why would you do that?" I asked, trying to keep myself together.
"Oh come on. It is just sexual interactio-"
"I didn't want it!" I said quietly.
Julian walked over and helped me up.
"You aren't even aroused? You said on Sarahah you wanted to get to know me better.." She huffed.
My heart stopped.
"That wasn't me.... a-and that doesn't even signify making out." I said.
Her eyes widened.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry."
I shrugged.
"People make mistakes... it's ok." I said.
Julian just stared at me.
"Oh... well ya know, I didn't expect so many people to be in love with you." Julian laughed, pushing me.
I shrugged.
He punched me on the shoulder.
"So you confess anything?" He asked with a smile.
"No..." I said looking away.
"Why not?"
I shrugged.
"I didn't want to." I chuckled.
Julian cracked his knuckles.
"Someone else confessed their love for me... like they said they were in love with me, I want to find them too." He said.
"I don't think that is possible unless they tell you themselves."
Julian pushed me slightly and sighed.
"Fuck. Well let's go ask around." Julian said taking me by the wrist and began pulling me out of the hidden area between the two classrooms.
I winced slightly in pain once his hand made contact.
"What's wrong with you?" Danita asked, stopping Julian.
"Nothing. Why?" I asked.
She sighed and we continued on.
We saw Daysha and walked up to her.
"Hey Daysha!" Daysha turned and smiled.
"Do you know who confessed their love for me on Sarahah?" He asked.
Daysha shook her head.
"All of the girls I know, like Dexter."
Julian sighed.
"So... do you think you'll like any of the girls that confessed?" Julian asked.
I shook my head.
"No. Do you think you will?" I asked.
He shrugged.
"Dude, how are you not all over Danita? She was grabbing you and played with her huge ass tits right in front of your face, and you weren't even aroused. Bro I got aroused just by seeing them." He said with a smirk.
Daysha gasped and Danita just punched Julian.
"Fuck off." She snapped.
I looked away.
"I just wasn't interested... I guess." I said.
Danita huffed and pushed me harshly by the arm, splitting open the wounds on my wrist.
"Aye!" I quickly retracted my hand and held my arm.
I started walking off but Julian grabbed me by the shoulder and turned me around, giving me a look.
"I have to go help with the school garden. Bye." I said twisting out of his grasp and walking away quickly.
I was trying to keep my cool as I walked, and then I bumped into someone.
He smiled at me and I returned it.
"Hey Dex. What are you up to?" He asked, keeping the smile on his face.
I smiled.
"Nothing really." I chuckled.
"Dex... you gotta read this."
He frowned slightly and pulled out his laptop, furiously typing before turning it around so I could see the screen.
I read the top comment and felt as if my heart stopped.
Dexter is the biggest liar ever. I wouldn't trust him.
Who the hell wrote that?
I looked up at Nathan who had a weird look on his face.
"What happened to your neck? It's bruising really bad. It's like black and blue." He said in a concerned tone.
I just shrugged.
"Well maybe it's just from all the headlocks the football players put me in when greeting me." I laughed quietly.
Nathan nodded.
"Maybe they should... ease up a bit." He said.
I shrugged.
"Well... thanks for showing me that." I said quietly before walking off.
"Dexter!" Ally ran up to me and squeezed me tight.
"Want an apple?" She asked.
I shook my head and smiled.
"It's alright... I already ate." I laughed quietly.
"Oh! There's Daysha and Julian!" She gasped grabbing my hand and pulling me right back over to them.
She released me and hugged Daysha.
"Hi guys." Ally said sitting down.
"Hey." Daysha said happily.
Julian just waved.
"Hey Dex how's the garden?" Julian asked.
"I didn't end up going because I ran into Nathan and chatted a bit." I said.
Julian nodded, then grabbed me by the chin and tilted my head back.
I felt my face heat up and that made my heart stop.
"Why is your neck black and blue?" He asked.
I couldn't speak at all. My heart was racing and I felt like so stupid. Ugh. That family dinner is fucking with my head.
I looked away and spotted Daysha eyeing me suspiciously.
"Did someone choke you?" Ally asked.
"W-well... yeah... I ran into Mathew..." I gulped.
Julian let go and just stared at me.
"Did you fight back?" He asked.
I shook my head.
Julian grabbed me by the shoulders.
"You have gotta fight back dude. We know it isn't your style but come on your neck looks like someone ran it over."
Hm. Heartbreak.
"I kinda couldn't... he had me pinned by my throat and was I don't know, besting my ass." I said crossing my arms.
Ally handed me an ice pack from her lunch box, whereas Daysha was busy freaking out about killing Mathew and sending Julian off to do it.
I placed the cold pack against my burning hot, throbbing neck and felt a slight relief.
"Alright. I'm gonna kill him." Julian snapped.
I just waved my hand.
"No... it's fine."
"Now... are you excited for the spaghetti dinner tonight?" Daysha asked excitedly, holding onto my arm.
I faked a smile and nodded.
"Yeah... totally." I laughed.
"My mom is sooo excited. She really loves spaghetti." Ally giggled.
"Oooh my brother is so going to pig out. It is really gross. Don't sit next to him." Daysha said.
Ally smiled.
"Well my dad will probably eat all of the spagetti- he has the hugest appetite, it pisses my mom off when he pigs out while she's making supper." Julian snickered.
"But he does make pretty good cupcakes." Ally said smiling.
Julian rolled his eyes.
"He just pipes the frosting. My sister loves baking. And my brother loves eating it."
"Oh yeah. How is she? I haven't seen her in a while." Ally said.
"She's good. How's your brother? Didn't they have a thing going?" Julian asked as Daysha squealed.
"Oh em geee. They would be the cutest couple." She giggled.
They all looked at me suddenly.
"Hey Dex... you never mentioned your family to us." Julian said.
I shrugged, feeling my heart shatter.
"Ooh I wanna know what your family is like!" Daysha gasped.
"Heh well uh... my mom is a doctor... she made-makes dolls in her freetime... She was- is really good at it... my dad he uh... well he owns a few... companies... and my three youngest oldest sisters... they're- when they were four... they REALLY loved to have tea parties and play dress up... yeah then came another baby and they loved dressing me up. My oldest sisters, Camila, Sofia, Isabella, Valentina, Olivia, Fabiana, Adriana, Maite, Manuela, Carolina, Bianca, Florencia, Josefina, Guadalupe, and Paola they are all really nice. Paola is a fashion designer... sh-she liked to make me wear dresses she designed when I was younger... she's the oldest at 33 years old right now. Guadalupe she's second oldest, she's 32... she is an artist- like you Ally! She mostly paints people though... she's very amazing at it. She has two daughters with her husband Greg... Fiona is 13, Aubry is 12... Josefina and Florencia are twins l-like Maríanna and Andrea... they're 31. Josefina loves to figure skate- she competes a lot. She is married to Juan... they have one daughter named Alison, she is 10. Florencia likes t-to sing and dance. That was her major in college. She is married to Alex, they have three daughters- triplets. Ana, Carli, and Deanna. All 12. Bianca she is 30. She was actually a writer- she wrote a few books and when we were younger she'd make up stories and tell them to us while we fell asleep. Carolina, Manuela, Maite, and Adriana were quadruplets. They are 29. Carolina likes to sing as well- she even made a few songs. Her and Florencia would always sing together like, everywhere. She is married to Enrique and hey have a 10 year old daughter named Alex. Manuela loves cooking with Mama. They always make big meals. She is married to Hayden, and they have an eleven year old named Josie. Maite loves wrestling- she was always excited to get a brother but I was quite a disappointment since I didnt really like roughhousing... but she always would tackle me at random times and declare a wrestling match- she always won by the way. Adriana didnt really have a thing. She just liked everything really. She read all of the stories Bianca wrote... and she would help cook sometimes and even wrestled with Maite. Fabiana is 28... She was amazing really. W-we were close. She and me would always cause trouble. Camila, she is 27. She was quite the romantic girl. She loved attention too and always talked about boys with me. Sofia, she is 26, she was mute... heh everyone in the family always took sign language classes together. She was always smiling and giving everyone hugs. Isabella, who is 25, loves school so much. Was a real nerd too. Valentina, is 24. She is a really hyper person. Can get a bit annoying and is very clingy, but it's okay because I still love her... Olivia she is 23, she is emo I guess. She is gay too. And it was amazing when she smiles." My eyes burned hot.
"How old are the little sisters now?" Ally asked.
"Theyre still older... just youngest besides me... 21... and 20... Marianne and Andrea." I said quietly.
"Cool! Does good looks run in the family?" Daysha giggled.
I smiled slightly.
"Mama was- is beautiful. As are my sisters... My dad had good looks too... I guess it does run in the family."
"Awe. I can not wait to meet them!" Ally said with a smile.
I felt my already shattered heart shatter even more to dust.
"I uh... I gotta go to the bathroom." I said turning to walk off.
But Julian grabbed me by my upper arm and pulled me over to him.
"Are you hiding stuff from us?" He asked not letting go of me.
I shook my head.
"No, why do you think that?" I asked.
He gripped my arm harder and I could tell the blood would seep through, so I ripped my arm away.
"Julian..." Daysha said softly.
I slipped away and then making a break for it to the bathrooms.
I slammed the door closed and locked it, just as the tears escaped my eyes and the quiet cries slipped through my slightly parted lips.
I tried to stop but I just couldn't.
I stood up and took off my shirt, examining my body.
Lots of bruises because I drunkenly fell down four flights of stairs.
Lots of... red... on my arms because well... I don't have to explain myself because it makes everything worse.
I threw my shirt on and stood up against the wall, trying to stop the crying.
I bashed my head against the wall violently about 30 times before a loud ringing started filling my ears.
I stepped away from the wall and went stumbling forward.
I was seeing double... but that wasn't the worst- my vision all together was fading.
Fuck. I hit my head too hard and too many times.
My head is pounding... I think I should go home.
I opened the bathroom door and stepped out.
No one was around.
I placed a hand against the wall so I didn't fall over, and slowly crept down the hall, pausing every minute or so.
The ringing got louder and then I felt something grip my shoulder.
I looked over to see that it was Julian- with Ally and Daysha at his side.
"Dexter, are you alright?" He asked.
I winced slightly, my head pounding even harder.
I opened my mouth but couldn't speak.
Letting out a groan I just sat down.
I was seeing black spots and they were growing- and then everything disappeared.

My eyes snapped open and the first thing that came into view was Julian, then Ally and Daysha.
"You alright? What happened?"
I groaned softly as I propped myself up.
"Well when I walked into the bathroom, I slipped and fell in some water, and hit my head or something and I passed out... and then I woke up but wasn't seeing well so I slipped again, but didn't pass out so I just... I don't know where I was going but..." I winced in pain because the throbbing pain in my head got louder and harder.
"Talk about bad luck." Julian snickered.
"Awe! Are you ok?" Ally asked worriedly.
I smiled slightly, and nodded.
"I'm ok."
"Hey... we are having a bonfire tonight after the spagetti dinner, wanna come?"
I sighed, and gave them a nod.

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