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Julian POV
Dexter was silent as we walked, yet he was breathing very loud.
"Hey Dex. You breathing fine?" Aly whispered, making me realize just how badly he was breathing.
"MM'fine. My neck hurt." He mumbled, stumbling sideways, almost knocking me over. I wondered about what Mathew had started saying, and figured maybe I should ask.
"What was that uh... stunt-"
"Your hair looks so good though Dexy. As always you voluptuous man." Daysha interfered with my sentence the moment she realized what I was asking.
"Am I fat?" He whispered, stopping short and looking down his shirt.
Woah, where the hell did that come from?
"Uhm of course not!" Ally said, patting his back.
"No you look great. You're tiny man." I added, hoping to god he feels a little better.
He perked up, and actually smiled at me, and it made me sad because I noticed I haven't seen that on his face in a long time.
"Awesome best fraaand." He laughed kind of like a girl, and hugged my arm.
Daysha and Ally smiled at him, but for some reason my heart was hurting... what am I a pregnant chick...
We approached my house, and stepped up the wide granite front porch, and stepped through the glass door.
Once the warm air hit us we all sighed with relief- then I noticed Ezra was in the kitchen to my right, and he whipped around at the sound of our entry.
"Hey- woah what happened to Dexter?! Did you let someone hit your bro?!" He raised a brow at me as he walked over, extremely concerned for some reason.
"I didn't LET them! Plus he almost killed both of them- surprisingly he's got a lot of power."
"He's literally knocked out bro. Thats when you uh stop doing this." He gestured at me literally hanging onto him, which he was actually about to fall.
"And you be a man and-" He swiftly swept Dexter up into his arms, his head flopping to the side and landing on his shoulder.
"Pick him up. Or have your other teammates pitch in- but they're ladies. Be a a man. He's like 100 pounds bro- he weighs less than our cousin Julia. Cmon man did you drag him all the way here?" Why is he so upset?!
"He was awake like 20 minutes ago..." I muttered, trying to ignore how his hand was gripping Dexter's thigh.
"Still... small dudes love being carried."
"H-hes not like that." I snapped defensively, making sure his hand didnt travel no where it didn't need to be. Why is he suddenly so obsessed with him? He better not be thinking of no nasty-
"Chill out. Stop looking at me like I'm doing something bad." He hissed, knowing exactly why I was staring him down. And that's when he squeezed his leg.
"You are!"

Dexter POV
I woke up in a completely different house.
My head was pounding and my stomach was all twisty.
Examining the room, I spotted a door. Obviously.
I slowly pulled myself to my feet and walked out.
"Aah!" I jumped back and fell down, and looked up at the owner of the voice.
It was... Julian's brother.
"Why am I here, Ezra?" I asked as I groaned and rubbed my jaw.
"Why am I in pain?"
"You got into a fight with Mathew and Michael while you were drunk. You won surprisingly... as Julian puts it." He laughed.
I closed my eyes before I groaned loudly again.
"Why would I fight them?" I murmered, noticing my sleeve had dried blood caked all over it.
Ezra sighed, and sat down next to me.
"Julian said apparently they were talking bout a stunt you pulled on your way there and were calling you fag and all those slurs against Hispanics."
I grumbled in annoyance.
"Mathews an asshole." I muttered, brushing my hair out of my face.
"Woah there... you got some uh, gouges in your arm." He said awkwardly, giving me a concerned look.
My eyes widened, and I felt my heart rate pick up.
"Please don't tell them." I whispered, pulling my sleeve down.
He pondered for a minute, before standing up and pulling me to my feet.
"Then at least wash it... I'll give you some clothes." He negotiated, still holding my hand.
"O-ok." I stammered, feeling nervous as hell. Miles barely saw the cuts so it wasn't that bad but fuck.
I followed him to his bedroom, and he guided me to his bathroom connected to his room.
"Wheres... Julian?" I asked, watching as he turned on the sink.
"He and the girls left after drinking. They asked me to stay up in case you woke up."
I nodded, letting him grab my hand and nudge me over to the sink.
"Yeah... he's not too uh... empathic." He chuckled, pulling my sleeve up.
I screeched in pain as the cloth ripped away from my skin, having stuck to the cuts.
"Sorry." He said, cringing at the sound I made once the water hit my arm.
He was very careful, and once he got all the red off, he dabbed my arm with a towel, pressing it down as blood started dripping out again.
"You ever uh... stitch it yourself?" He sounded awkward, and he licked his lips, making me feel a little hot.
He smiled awkwardly.
"Can't hurt more than these, right?" He raised his eyebrows. I just gulped, whimpering softly when he squeezed my thigh.
"N-no... i-i guess n-not." I whispered.
Ally POV
Daysha was singing along to the music coming out of her phone speaker, dancing around giddily.
I chuckled, taking a sip from the Mike's I had in my hand.
Julian was grinning to himself, and I could tell his eyes were wandering.
"Julian, eyes on eyes." I laughed, shoving him.
He put his hands up defensively, smirking.
"Okay..." He laughed, sipping from his own beer.
"Brandon is soo sweet. He paints me pictures and gets me flowers and writes me poems and we played videogames together the other day." Daysha was in dreamland, grinning like a mad woman.
I couldn't help but smile, I'm glad she is with a good guy for once. She always let the worst guys break her heart.
"How long have you been crushing?" Julian asked, chucking his beer into the ditch beside us.
"A few months ago." I transferred into his art class." She giggled, smiling happily.
We walked in silence for a minute, and I felt as if we were all thinking about the same topic.
"Dexter has a drinking problem." Julian sighed, opening up a beer he grabbed from his backpack.
The mood changed completely... why was Dexter such a sore subject?
It made me feel bad. Uneasy, even. I felt like something was gonna happen.
"He has some demons, I think... it just happened so suddenly. Or I guess it took over all at once..." the more I analyzed him, the more awol he seemed to be.
"Let's save that talk for when we get back... I think we should question him."
Julian and I looked at Daysha, before nodding.
Julian's phone rang, and he picked it out of his pocket and answered it.
His face lit up, and he smiled excitedly.
"Fuck yeah, of course. I'll see you then."
He hung up the phone, then flexed.
"Danita has the hots for me. Were going out." He grinned.
I let out a smile, and patted him on the back.
"There you go." I laughed, while Daysha just squealed.
"Omggg you guys will be so cute together."
Julian just looked real giddy, like he won some money.
"Fuck yeah."

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