I Do

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*A few weeks later*

As Scott lays in his bed, he thinks of his deal with Ben he made a few weeks back* He smiles thinking of how cute Mitch looked and how good he is with kids.

His thoughts are interrupted by a knock on his door.

Mitch: Scott?

He asks sounding a bit worried.

Mitch: You awake?

Scott wonders what could be bothering Mitch.

Scott: Yes, is everything alright?

Mitch: Can I come in?

Worried something is wrong, Scott gets up and opens the door to see Mitch, who's face is red.

Scott: Mitch! Your face is red!

He says with a worried look. Mitch coughs.

Mitch: I think I'm sick again...

With a concerned look in his eyes, Scott helps Mitch to his bed.

Scott: Here, sit on my bed and I will get you a thermometer.

He nods.

Mitch: Thanks..

He says as he coughs. As Scott goes to the living room to find a thermometer, Mitch lays back in Scott's bed.

He looks around Scott's room as he makes himself comfortable.

Scott's phone rings. He turns his attention to Scott's phone.

"Hey! Are you sure yet? Are you gonna tell him?! How will Mitch feel?"

He accidentally reads Scott's text from Kirstie. It just showed on the screen.

His mood drops to a sad depressed mood, thinking of Scott wanting someone else.

As he stares at the message, Scott returns with the thermometer.

Scott: Got it!

He smiles as he walks through the doorway.

Mitch jumps hearing Scott come back. He quickly puts his phone down as Scott sits on the edge of the bed as Mitch sits up.

Scott: Here, open.

Mitch opens his mouth.

Scott and Mitch wait quietly, waiting for the beep.

Once it beeps, Scott checks the temperature.

Scott: 103.8. Yep. You have a fever.

Mitch sighs looking down as he runs his throat.

Scott: What's wrong? Does your throat hurt?

Mitch nods in response. He tries to talk through the pain.

Mitch: I think you have a message...

He says holding his throat and handing Scott his phone.

Scott: Thanks, now stop talking and get some rest.

He smiles as he gently pushes his sick crush back down on the bed.

Mitch: But..

He is quickly cut off by Scott, who has his finger softly pressed against Mitch's lips.

Scott: Sh, Mitchie. You need rest.

Mitch smiles a little as Scott tucks him in.

Scott: Stay in my bed for a while. You're already here and tucked in. If you need to tell me anything or want something, just text me.

He says handing Mitch his phone.

Scott: I've got mine with me. Don't worry..I'm not leaving you for anything. Not even Todrick.

They both smile looking in each other's eyes.

Just as Scott is about to leave the room, he notices Mitch has already texted him.

Mitch's text: Scott?

Scott: Yes, Mitchie?

He asks looking at his sick friend.

Mitch texts: Thank you..

Scott: Anything for you, Mitchie. You mean more to me than anything. I want you to be happy and healthy again soon.

Mitch can feel his cheeks get hotter as he blushes.

He smiles watching as Scott leaves the room. Soon after, he drifts off to sleep.

*In the living room with Scott*

He checks his message from Kirstie.

*conversation with Kirstie*

Scott: I don't think I'm sure yet...

Kirstie: What are you afraid of?

Scott: Idk..him not feeling the same? Ruining everything from our friendship to PTX?...being a bad boyfriend? Mitch deserves someone who will love him forever and unconditionally. He should never be hurt in any way.

Kirstie: You don't think you can do that?

Scott: I don't know..Mitch is sick again.

Kirstie: Are you helping him?

Scott: Of course! I want him happy and healthy again.

Kirstie: Why?

Scott: He deserves to be happy and healthy! He's such a sweetheart and he treats everyone perfectly. He deserves to be the best he can be.

Kirstie: And you're sure you don't like him as more than a friend?

Scott: Fine...

Kirstie: ?

Scott: I really like Mitch...as more than a friend. There. Happy? I said it.

Kirstie: Are you going to tell him?

Scott: Not right now..I'm afraid to.

Kirstie: Why?

Scott: He means so much to me. I can't risk losing him. He has been my best friend and by my side for well over 10 YEARS! I can't lose him.

Kirstie: Scott, that won't happen. You won't lose Mitch. He really likes you. As more than a friend.

Scott: How do you know?

Kirstie: Trust me. :)

*At the hotel room*

Scott smiles reading Kirstie's text. After about an hour and a half later, Scott carefully and quietly peaks through his door at Mitch, who is still asleep.

He smiles seeing Mitch cuddling a pillow as he sleeps. He looks so gentle and peaceful. As if he were not sick at all.

Scott carefully shuts the door.

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