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Since the break up, Mitch and Scott have been distant of each other. No talking. No seeing each other. Not even staying in the same hotel room. Of course both of them are absolutely torn apart.

The group have decided to take turns supporting their heart broken friends.

*Mitch's new hotel room*

Mitch cries while laying in his bed. He's locked the bedroom door so no one can come in.

Kirstie: Come on, Mitchie...

Kevin: We just want to help, bud...

He doesn't answer.

Kirstie: We hate to see you upset, Mitch. Please talk to us...

She says as she stands against his door.

Mitch just cries and covers himself in blankets.

Avi soon joins them.

Kevin: Any luck with Scott?

Avi shakes his head.

Avi: He's nowhere to be found...

Mitch sniffles as he listens to Avi through the door.

Kevin: Where could he be?

Avi shrugs.

Avi: I don't know...

Kirstie: Have you tried calling him?

Avi: Scott doesn't answer his phone when he's happy. He's definitely not gonna answer now.

Kirstie: True...I just hope he's okay..

Kevin and Avi: Us too...

*With Scott*

It's a dark, rainy day. Scott, now single and heartbroken, walks around the town by himself.

Cars honking, people yelling, thunder rumbling. He walks around all day. Eventually he comes upon a lake.

He says nothing. He just stands alone, wearing his jeans, PTX sneakers, and jacket. His hood is up and tied to stay that way. He stuffs his hands in his pockets as he stares at the water. Face red and eyes puffy from crying over Mitch.

*A few days go by. No one can find Mitch or Scott*

Kirstie: Where are they?! We have a show tonight!

The past few days the shows have been canceled due to bad weather.

Kevin: I don't know!

Avi: Why did Todrick have to go home? He could've helped us!

*With Mitch*

Woman: Mr. Grassi!

She smiles as Mitch walks in her office.

Woman: Here for my Broadway offer?

Mitch nods as he sniffles from crying non-stop over Scott.

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