Four, Icecream and Ben

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*Still at the movie*

As the two best friends cuddle closely together in each others' arms, they watch their movie in peace.

*Mitch's POV*

He is so warm and cuddly! I can't believe he's holding me right now!


Mitch smiles as he thinks. He soon shifts down a bit for a more comfortable position.

Scott can't help but smile as his attention is pulled away from the movie to focus on Mitch.

*Scott's POV*

Mitch is so cute and he doesn't even try! His hair, his eyes, his cute little smile.


Scott can feel his cheeks heat up at his thoughts of Mitch's perfection. All is well until Mitch sees none-other than Theo James on the screen.

Mitch can't help but to jump up to sit right in his chair as he sees Four make his first appearance in the film.

His face turns bright and he can't help but to smile in Awe at the sexy actor.

Mitch: Oh my gosh! He is SO cute!

He says to Scott quietly.

Scott pretends it doesn't bother him hearing Mitch say another guy is good looking.

He manages to fake a smile and nod.

As Mitch turns his attention back to the screen, Scott can't help but wonder;

"Why does that bother me? Am I jealous?...No. Mitch and I are buds. I'm not jealous. I can't be. I only like him as a friend..."

He tries to focus on the movie but he finds himself unable to draw his thoughts away from Mitch.

*After the movie*

Mitch stands up and stretches.

Mitch: That was a great movie! Didn't you think so?

He asks with his adorable smile.

Scott stands up, unamused.

Scott: Mhm...

Mitch: I REALLY loved the scene where Four took off his shirt! Whoo! He is sexy!

He giggles.

Scott: cute..

Mitch: Hey, I'm hungry. Wanna go find some ice cream or something?

He asks, looking at his friend with his shiny brown eyes.

Scott refuses to make eye contact.

Scott: Sure..

Mitch is all smiles as he and Scott make their way out the theatre.

Mitch: Gotta real girl and she loves me lot and ain't no other man is gonna take my spot and I, I'm so happy you're mine, cuz I'mma love you a long time.

He sings as they walk.

Scott: Hey, that's my part!

He smiles with a slight smile. Mitch continues to sing.

Scott looks down at Mitch's hand as the two walk to a DQ. Unsure of what to do, he looks at his own hand and thinks.

Mitch: What's wrong with your hand?

He asks, confused as to why Scott is staring down his hand.

Scott: Nothing..just..realized I have big hands..

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