Part 73

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The door only had lock on the other side. Jin and Mr. Kim was trapped in the basement.

Jin banged the door but it was no use. It was a metal door.

Jin was totally mad.

Mr. Kim's life was on the line. Jin tried his best to keep him alive.

"Sora~" Jimin called.

"Wait.. You don't look like Sora.. We need to do a makeover." He grabbed his tools.

"Then only we can get married and have childrens." He added as he took out scissors, scalpel, knives and many more.

He started of with her lips.

"Jimin- please."

"Shh, stay quiet or it's gonna hurt more." He used the scalpel and cut the end of her lips.

"Sora had a more wider lips" He traced his knives as blood ran out.

Mina was crying.

"Your lips are too big. Sora had thin lips." He cut the upper and lower parts of her lips.

Her mouth were filled with blood. She tried to spit it out.

"NO!" Jimin punched her. "Swallow it!" He demanded.

He closed her mouth.

Because of excessive blood, she was choking of her blood.

Soon Jimin took needles and stitched it back together. The cut-out lips were thrown inside a bag.

"Sora... She tried to throw me away! She was angry of me!" Jimin stopped and realized.

Then he laughed.

He walked to his desk and opened one of the drawers. 

He took out a transparent plastic bag that had a few white balls in it.

"Sora-yah, do you know what's this?"

He showed the bag.

"It's napthalene." He chuckled.

He took out a three of them and put it on the bed beside her.

"Do you know what'll happen if you take them?" He brushed her fringe and kissed her cheeks.

"Napthalenes are usually in powder but do you know they come in balls? Mothballs." He grinned.

  "It'll go right into your intestine and diffuse into your blood vessels." He took one. 

"Once it's in, you'll start to vomit and get nausea. Then your heart rate will increase. Because of too much pressure for your heart to handle, slowly you'll be short of breath." 

"Then, you'll die. Simple!" He smiled.

"So, shall we begin?" Jimin opened her mouth and stucked in a ball into her mouth but she managed to kick him in the crotch.

Jimin was in pain. Mina took a scissor and stuck in on his shoulder. She quickly grabbed a scalpel and pointed it towards him.

He took out the scissor slowly as blood sprinkled out.

Mina couldn't talk at all.

"Stupid bitvh!" Jimin attacked and grabbed her. 

Mina once again stabbed his leg with the scalpel but he managed to handle it.

He took the mothball and forced it into her mouth.

Mina pushed him backwards and his head hit the mirror. He took some time to take out the big pieces of glasses from his scalp. The small pieces were still stucked in his head.

Jimin quickly stepped on her wounded feet.

"AAHHHHHH!!!" She cried.

Jimin used his knife to stab her.


Jimin was down on the ground. 

Officer Hoseok was standing in front of the door.

Mina ran quickly towards him and hugged.

She was scared as hell.

Luckily, he was there to help her.

She was sobbing mess and he tried to calm her down.

Hoseok called for backup.

They both went downstairs to the basement to find Jin and her daddy. They found a spare key in one of the cabinets.

Mina quickly hugged Jin once she saw him.

Then she turned to her daddy. She was deadly shocked and tried to help him but she could only wait for the ambulance.

Hoseok went outside to find anything to help.

"Mina!" Jin cried when he saw what happened to her face. He grabbed her face and wiped of all the blood.

Quickly he turned her over.

"Ahh!" Jin yelped when a knife went through the his back, near his heart.

Jimin wasn't dead!

Jin kicked Jimin towards the machine and Mina quickly hit the start button.

His face went inside first as he slowly blew his last breathe.

Jimin screamed for help but no one did anything.

Soon, his whole body was inside the machine.

Mina crawled towards Jin but he was already weak.

Help came and got them.

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