We meet again

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Two days later Ginny popped into Hermione's office to say that Luna was back home after a rather long search for some mysterious animal Hermione was certain didn't exist. She suggested they go to the Leaky Cauldron that night for a girls night to reconnect. Luna had been gone for six months this time and Hermione had missed her dear (and loony) friend. While Hermione realized this would be her first time out in public since the divorce she knew it was time. She agreed that she'd meet them both at the leaky around 8pm.

Ginny beamed at her. "Great! Now I'm going to go find Harry for a good snog. See you at 8" She called, nearly skipping down the hall. She smiled at Ginny's retreating red hair. She loved her friends so deeply and was so happy for them. Feeling a bit lonely, she sighed and went back to work, trying to decide what to wear that night.

Hermione left work on time for once and flooed strait home to get ready. She wanted to make sure she was looking beyond good. The Wizarding world needed to know that she was perfectly okay and she knew, if spotted, there would be a photo of her in the paper tomorrow. She opted to leave her hair in the same loose bun she had it in all day. She liked the wispy look she had with some strands falling out. She left her makeup simple but pulled out her favorite purple dress. It was rather form fitting on the top with a v neck but was flowy at the bottom. The child still alive in her made her twirl around a few times in front of the mirror. She threw on her black pumps and a black blazer and made her way down the block to the Leaky Cauldron.

A few drinks in they had filled Luna in on what had been happening which left Hermione doing most of the talking. Luna filled them in on her travels and some escapades with handsome men along the way. Luna giggled at Hermione's reaction to having met someone in Bulgaria and calling him her Bulgarian Bon Bon.

"Well.. Now I'm the only one not to have shagged a foreign wizard" Ginny said with a huff.

Hermione gasped. "Ginny, you know full well I did not shag Victor! I was 14!"

Ginny laughed a bit too loud and said "I would have!"

Just then, Hermione, who had her back to the door, felt a woosh of cold air hitting her back telling her someone had just arrived. Ginny on the other side of the table grunted and said lowly "Now there's another man I'd shag.."

"Ginny!" Hermione laughed "If Harry heard you.." her voice trailed off as she turned to see Draco Malfoy walking into the pub, Blaise in tow. He had been taking off his jacket and when he looked up he met her eye. He seemed surprised for a moment and then he smiled warmly at her as he headed to the bar. Blaise looked shocked, then – for some reason – delighted as he followed Draco.

"well.." Hermione said as she turned back around. "I'm thinking they've read the papers if that's how they're reacting to seeing me."

All night the other patrons had been doing double takes and giving her furtive looks. Surely they can't all be that surprised I'm out and about. She thought. She shook the thought from her mind. She just didn't care.

Hermione sipped her Rosé as Ginny still stared openly at Draco. "Ginny, would you stop! Harry would be a bit jealous if he saw you just now" Ginny snorted and turned her attention back to the other two women. "As if, he told me himself that he thinks Draco is a catch and that he hopes he finds someone soon. He seems lonely." Hermione looked in his direction to find him staring at her. She felt herself blush slightly but smiled at him as Ginny mumbled "and handsome" into her glass.

Luna giggled and Hermione blushed further. "Ginny!" Hermione squealed again. Ginny shrugged and went back to her drink.

Hermione could hardly deny that Draco had grown into a fine man. Even as a child, despite their mutual hatred, she knew he was good looking. They had formed a friendship after the war but had no real reason to stay close. They did, however, see each other at events here and there. She hadn't seen him in person for about 2 years though and sneaking a glance at him she could appreciate his black v neck tee shirt. His shoulders seemed more broad, less hair gel. He had a bit of 5 'o clock shadow that made him look rugged and distinctly shaggable.. He caught her staring and she blushed and turned away, hoping he didn't know what she was thinking. She turned back to Ginny who had an all too knowing look on her face, along with a smirk. Hermione rolled her eyes.

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