Lock 'em Up

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All that Draco could hear was tapping. He wished it would stop soon but he knew who it was coming from and the only way to make it end would be to open his eyes. One more moment he thought.

"They said he was going to wake up two hours ago... " Hermione he thought.  "What if.." 

"Oh dear, relax. I'm sure it'll be okay." that's a new voice.. Draco thought. Is that .. Mrs. Granger?

"Yes, My Draco is very strong. no need to.." Narcissa stopped talking as she noticed Draco stirring. 

Once Draco finally willed his eyes open all he could see was brown hair. She had pounced on him from her spot next to him on his hospital bed. He lifted his arms to cradle one around Hermione's back and one behind her neck. He pulled her down for a hard kiss. 

They squeezed each other tightly for a moment before Hermione remembered both their parents were present. She pulled away and smiled at him. He smiled back but leaned to the side to check his surroundings. 

"Lovely to see you again Mrs. Granger. Have I missed our Dinner reservations for the night?" He asked smoothly. 

Hermione chuckled. "I canceled those hours ago but she was already on her way." Hermione looked to the two women "and she still wanted to meet your mother." She lowered her voice. "Now that's over." Draco chuckled but was actually hugely relived to have been unconscious when Mrs. Granger met Mrs. Malfoy. 

"What that really means, dear, is that she had a Wee bit of a breakdown and needed her Mother. But it is good to see you. Your graduation was so long ago now.. You're looking very well. Very.. Grown." Mrs. Granger said with a satisfied smile.

Hermione rolled her eyes and Draco asked. "So, What happened? Is everyone okay?"  Memories of why he was in a hospital bed had just came rushing back and were suddenly more important that chit chat. "You got her, didn't you?" Hermione nodded, tight lipped. 

"Yes, thanks to you three. Its just.." she sighed heavily. "That was a lot.. The most I've dealt with since minister was laws and regulations. That was the first.. threat. And coming from someone we knew its just.. " She trailed off "and.. well you were hurt.." 

"You're not finishing your sentences, love. You know I hate it when you do that" Draco said softly, remembering that just a few short months ago Hermione had always spoken in unfinished sentences.

"She needs a vacation, I think" Mrs. Granger said from behind them and Draco smirked at her, then at Hermione. 

"I think she's right." He said, "some time away, just us" 

Hermione blushed and was lost in his grey eyes for a moment. Then she remembered, again, where they were and why and she cleared her throat. 

"Right. First things first lets get a nurse in here to check you out. Then we need to go back to the ministry."

"I'm fine, honestly.." 

His words were ignored, however, as Hermione left the room swiftly. He looked to see both Mrs. Granger and his own mother smiling conspiratorially. 

"Quick" Narcissa said "Tell us fast. Were you really in a jewelry shop?"

He glanced to the door. Damned Prophet "Yes." he looked to Mrs. Granger. "I had meant to speak with you about that at dinner tonight.." 

Both women's eyes sparkled with delight. Mrs. Granger spoke first. "Well I can speak for both myself and my Husband. Don't fret. You deal with this ... mess then you sweep her off her feet, dear." 

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