Naughty Naughty, Minister

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***The title should say it all but definitely a smutty chapter - skip if necessary - Otherwise enjoy! ;) 'Tis a long one though - you've been warned.***

Draco nearly pulled her arm off in haste as he pulled Hermione up from the booth and out of the pub. He aperated them both to her front door and before she could register a thought, before she could change her mind Draco had yanked her front door open, pulled her in with him and kicked the door shut. They stood now, staring heatedly at each other in her entry way. Hermione thought she heard him growl as he pushed her up against the door and attached her lips with her own. She let out a soft feminine moan and the sound vibrated through his lips, through his brain and his whole body. He gripped her hips tightly and pressed himself yet closer, as close as he could. She couldn't help it, she made another soft noise against his lips and her left hand when up to the back of his neck with the other was on his chest. She could feel his heartbeat under his toned muscles. His heart was beating as fast as hers, playing out some sort of lovers beat. She wanted to dance by it. Live by it. 

His hands ran up her hips, his finger tips lighting fires as they went up her body, over her shoulders and collar bones. His hands settled around her neck for a moment then he cupped her face and pulled away. She let out a faint whimper at the loss of his lips. No one had every looked at her the way he was just now. His eyes aflame he was looking at her critically. "Do you want me? Do you want this?" he asked softly. The question, or maybe it was just his voice, sent shivers down her spine strait to her clit. "Oh gods yes" Hermione moaned, clutching at this shirt on his chest. She hand never wanted anything or anyone this much. Draco growled again and kissed along her jaw, his hands sliding back down to her hips. His lips drifted to her most sensitive spot on her neck. Just below her jaw. She had no idea how he found it so quickly. She let out a whimper and a moan as he dragged his teeth and lips across her skin. "Tell me what you want, Hermione" He mumbled against her as he switched to the other side of her neck, trailing kisses everywhere he could reach. She left her hands fall to his waist and hooked her fingers in his belt loops and pulled him closer still. Hoping he'd get the idea, she brought her lips to his neck and whispered "I want you, Draco. All of you."

Draco growled again. His hands slid down from her hips to just below the dip of her bottom. Without warning he hoisted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist without having to be told. He palmed her ass as she began to leave feather soft kisses all around his neck and collarbones, anywhere she could reach. If he wasn't so determined to get her to bed his knees would have been weak. "Hermione" he whispered. "which door am I going to". She giggled in his ear, laid her head on his shoulder and told him to go to the door at the end of the hall. Ignoring the door on his right and the two on his left he carried her to her bedroom not bothering to close the door. He walked over to the four poster bed and laid her as gently as he could onto the bed and stared down at her. Her hair was everywhere, her blouse had gotten slightly lifted up revealing her hip and a bit of her stomach. She was biting her lip as he looked down at her. He had to be sure she was ready. Leaning over her, placing his mouth on her neck again, he whispered "You sure about this, kitten?" She nodded and ran her fingers up the back of his neck and into this hair. "Good" He nuzzled her ear and he felt her smile. "Because I've wanted this.. wanted you for so long.. " He kissed along her jaw, down her neck and along her collarbones. "Let me show you what you deserve kitten." he muttered giving her favorite spot a few more nips before running his hands down her sides, down her legs. 

Everywhere he touched was on fire. She squirmed and whimpered as his fingers trailed down her legs. She'd never been so aroused from just kissing before. He got to her ankle and took her foot in his hand. He slipped her shoe off and reached over to remove the other. He let her legs dangle off the edge of the bed again and kicked off his own shoes. He stood in front of her and wrapped his hands around the back of her knees. He pulled her by her legs so her hips were right against the edge of the bed and ground himself against her. He wanted her to feel what she did to him. He was so hard already and they had hardly gotten started. She whimpered again and he felt his cock twitch at the sound. He ground into her again and growled as she moaned and squeezed her thighs around him. Leaving her legs wrapped around him he bend down and took her wrists in his hand and placed them above her head. He gave her a stern look that made her insides flip and he whispered "keep them there" She nodded biting her lip. She had never had the courage to tell Ron to be more aggressive in the bedroom, to take more control. Draco, however, seemed to know just what she needed without having to ask. He went back to kissing all over her neck and the bits of chest he could reach as he ran his fingers down her arms and all over her body. She was nearly trembling at his touch and he couldn't wait to ravage her. She deserved it. He could feel her hips moving against him as if she needed some sort of friction. He was going to make her, no help her, fall apart. His hands landed on the hem of her blouse and he pulled it up her arms leaving her top half bare. She sucked in a breath as the cold air hit her skin. He tossed her shirt somewhere across the room and looked down at her. He raised his eyebrows at the black lace bra she was wearing. She bit her lip again and looked up at him. He ran both hands down her chest, over her breasts, and across her toned stomach. He growled and smirked down at her as she ground her hips against him again. His hands reached the button on her jeans and he undid it, slid down the zipper and began to ease her jeans down her hips. His breath caught as he eased her jeans down just enough to see her black lace panties. Of course he knew she'd be matching but he never thought she'd look so delectable. Nor had he thought she'd be wearing the sexiest black panties he'd ever seen. White, pink maybe but not black. He'd never in his wildest dreams thought they'd be black. Only green could have been better. As he caught a slight whiff of her apparent arousal he grunted and all but tore her jeans off the rest of the way. 

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